Textured Chevron Cushion Crochet Tutorial

Here it is, finally!  It’s the tutorial for the Textured Chevron Cushion.  I’ve had the bones of the pattern written for a long time, but it needed some detail.

Unfortunately I won’t be providing my free patterns in a pdf format any more; I have had my Peek-a-Boo Button Wrap stolen and being emailed to people rather than referring them to my blog.  It’s a bit of a shitty thing to do, especially for indie businesses.  We’re all in this together, or so I thought!

Anyway, enough moaning and on with the show!

Chevron Cushion in Scheepjes Aquarel, design by MissNeriss

What You’ll Need

8 balls of Scheepjes Aquarel, one of each colour*.
4mm hook
50x50cm cushion insert


Note: All stitches are in US terms.  There are a lot of them, so make sure you pay close attention to what needs to be used where.
CH – Chain Stitch
SS – Slip Stitch
SC – Single Crochet
DC – Double Crochet
2HDCTog – Decrease 2 Half Double Crochet into 1
2DCTog – Decrease 2 Double Crochet into 1
3DCTog – Decrease 3 Double Crochet into 1
3HDCTog – Decrease 3 Half Double Crochet into 1
HDC – Half Double Crochet
FPDC – Front Post Double Crochet
FP2DCTog – Decrease 2 Front Post Double Crochet into 1
FP3DCTog – Decrease 3 Front Post Double Crochet into 1
Tr – Treble Crochet
DTr – Double Treble Crochet
TrTr – Triple Treble Crochet
3TrTrTog – Decrease 3 Triple Treble Crochet into 1
extDC – Extended Double Crochet


1 repeat = 7cm, two rows = 4cm


You can pick this gorgeous yarn up from Wool Warehouse* in the UK and internationally.  In the Benelux you can find the yarn at any Scheepjes retailer.

The front of the cushion is a 3D textured pattern; the stitches are made around the post of the previous row. The pattern is worked in a 14 stitch repeat, with 7 repeats, 7 rows of each colour and 7 colours changes.

The reverse side is flat, working normal half double crochet stitches.  To match the front, the back is not the same repeat, but instead it is 7 repeats of 12 stitches.

Colours throughout will be named colours 1-8.

When you see a text section between *…*, please repeat that stitch pattern the instructed amount of times.

Chevron Cushion


  1. Using colour 1, CH 100.
  2. DC into the 3rd chain from the hook and the next 6 CH. DC, CH, DC into the next, DC into the next 5 CH, 3DCTog in the next. *DC in next 5 CH, DC, CH, DC, DC in the next, DC into the next 5 CH, 3DCTog in the next.* Repeat 5 times, but the very last stitch of the row will be 2DCTog instead of 3DCTog.  CH2, turn.
  3. CH2, FPDC around the next 6 stitches, FPDC, CH1, FPDC into the next, FPDC into the next 5 stitches, 3FPDCTog in the next, *FPDC in the next 5 stitches, FPDC, CH1, FPDC in the next, FPDC in the next 5 stitches, 3FPDCTog in the next.* Repeat 5 times, except in the very last decrease, which will be 2FPDCTog instead of 3FPDCTog. CH2, turn.
  4. Repeat Row 3 5 times.
  5. Change to colour 2, repeat row 3 7 times.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for all 7 colours, tie off and weave in ends.

Textured Chevron crochet pattern in Scheepjes Aquarel


  1. Using colour 1, CH 86.
  2. HDC in the next 4 CH, HDC, CH1, HDC in the next, HDC in the next 4, 3HDCTog in the next. *HDC in the next 4 CH, HDC, CH1, HDC in the next, HDC into the next 4, 3HDCTog in the next.* Repeat 5 times, but in the very last decrease, 2HDCTog instead of 3HDCTog. CH2, turn.
  3. *HDC into the next 4, HDC, CH1, HDC into the next, HDC into the next 4, 3HDCTog into the next.* Repeat 6 times, but in the very last decrease, 2HDCTog instead of 3HDCTog. CH2 turn.
  4. Repeat row 3 5 times.
  5. Change to colour 2 and repeat row 3.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for 7 all colours, tie off and weave in ends.

Edging and Join


  1. Starting at the top and crocheting around the post of the stitches, corner, using colour 8 CH5, TrTr in the next, DTr, Tr, extDC, DC, HDC, then SC into the CH space.  Repeat in reverse: HDC, DC, extDC, Tr, DTr, TrTr decrease in the next three (3TrTrTog). *DTr, Tr, extDC, DC, HDC, SC in the CH space, HDC, DC, extDC, Tr, DTr, 3TrTrTog.*  Repeat 5 times, but the last 3TrTrTog will only be a 2TrTrTog.  Tie off and weave in ends.
  2. Now the top: At the corner, we repeat the above, but we start at the top of the point of the first stitch of the top row.


  1. This time crochet as normal into the top of the stitches. Join at the corner of the bottom row, CH1, *HDC in the next, DC, extDC, Tr, DTr, TrTr, Dtr, Tr, extDC, DC, HDC, SC.* Repeat 6 times.
  2. Repeat the above instructions for the other end, but instead start with CH5, DTr, Tr, extDC, HDC, SC. Continue as above.



Slip stitch loosely down each side of both pieces to create a straight edge to join the pieces.  If you need it, a Felted Button has created a wonderful tutorial.

Starting at any corner, hold the wrong sides of both pieces together and HDC crochet through all four loops of each stitch, all the way round, with 3 HDC stitches in each corner. Crochet through all four loops of the slip stitches down the sides.


When on the final side, stuff the cushion filler in and then close it up and you’re done!

Chevron Cushion in Scheepjes Aquarel, design by MissNeriss

*Affiliate links

7 responses to “Textured Chevron Cushion Crochet Tutorial

  1. Hallo, kann mir jemand die Häkelanleitung auf deutsch posten oder senden? Bitte keine Google.übersetzung, ich brauche die deutschen Fachausdrücke. Schon mal vielen Dank im Vorraus. Viele Grüße, Horst

  2. I love chevrons and will make this cushion soon. Great colours. It is horrible that someone pinches your work and makes as if their own. Thats stealing. I wish you well.

  3. Hello,I log on to your new stuff named “Textured Chevron Cushion Crochet Tutorial | MissNeriss” on a regular basis.Your writing style is witty, keep up the good work! And you can look our website about proxy free list.

  4. Very pretty. Thank you. I need to learn some of those stitches before i can try it.

  5. Pingback: Top of The Flock: beautiful patterns • LoveCrochet Blog

  6. Pingback: New Scheepjes Yarn, New Crochet Plan | MissNeriss

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