Monthly Archives: September 2020

Centerpoint – Crochet Blanket REVEAL

I’m so excited to be able to share this new design with you!

It’s been a massive undertaking; probably the largest crochet project I’ve ever made, and all with a teeny tiny 3mm hook!

I love the pastel rainbow, all brought together with the soft white stripes radiating out from the centre.

The Centerpoint blanket is made with Scheepjes Organicon, their first certified organic (and vegan) cotton yarn, and using a 3mm hook. I’ve shared more information about this lovely yarn here.

Get The Yarn

Scheepjes has the complete list of stockists available on their website, at If your favourite retailer doesn’t have Organicon, you can always ask them to get it in – don’t be shy!

Wool Warehouse* ships globally (with some small delays due to C-19), so you can pick it up there.

I say it all the time: Caro’s Atelier* is my local yarn store, so I would also love you to support them. They ship all over Europe.

Black Sheep Wools* is one of the best bricks and mortar stores in the UK, and they’ll also ship to you.

(If you own a yarn store and stock Organicon, please feel free to add direct links to your product page in the comments of this post.)

The pattern will be ready shortly, the charting is all done, and if you look closely in the photos, I’ll have a modified version so you can make the blocks and turn them into whatever you fancy!

This dog, always has to be in on the action.

See you soon, with the pattern!

*Affiliate link

WIP – Organicon Crochet Blanket

It’s been a busy few weeks! I’ve been working on my Scheepjes Organicon squares in the background, but I also shared about the launch of the latest issue of Yarn – The Colour Issue; did you see it yet? If not, all the info is here. The designs are incredible, it’s a must have.

Because it’s so huge and the hook is so small, this blanket is taking me longer than usual to complete. Having said that, the effort is so worth the results already. The colours are just the best, I’m excited about all of this!

Get The Yarn

Scheepjes has the complete list of stockists available on their website, at If your favourite retailer doesn’t have Organicon, you can always ask them to get it in – don’t be shy!

Wool Warehouse* is shipping globally again (with some small delays due to C-19), so you can pick it up there.

As I’ve said many times, Caro’s Atelier* is my local yarn store, so I would also love you to support them. They ship all over Europe.

Black Sheep Wools* is one of the best bricks and mortar stores in the UK, and they’ll also ship to you.

(If you own a yarn store and stock Organicon, please feel free to add direct links to your product page in the comments of this post.)

Isn’t this colour mash beautiful? This photo was at about 60-ish blocks in, with a LOT to go. I’ll need at least double this amount to achieve my blanket goal.

One thing that I am doing, although it doesn’t really look like it here is, I’m working my ends away as I go and will only need to snip them when I’m done. Each block has 6 ends, so if I multiply that by 150-odd blocks, my brain explodes, so I have to weave them in as I go otherwise I’ll throw it all in a corner and never look at it again!

Are you a person who weaves ends in as you go, or do you wait until the end? How do you feel about ends? Personally I find them to be the necessary evil in creating things of beauty, so I tolerate them and do everything I can to minimise the effort.

Stay tuned, I’ll be joining soon. I plan to use that really fast slip stitch invisible zipper join so it will all come together very quickly, I think you’re going to love it.

Keep an eye on the socials for more photos, the reveal will be here before you know it!

*Affiliate link

YARN 10 – The Colour Issue

You guys, have you seen it yet?!

Tell me that’s not just about the most beautiful issue of YARN you’ve ever seen?!

Get Your Copy

Some retailers have it available for sale already, isn’t that awesome?

Wool Warehouse* has it, and they ship globally as you know.
Habbedash also has it, they ship globally too (and sell all sorts of lovely luxury goodies for the yarn freak who has everything).
Scheepjes also have all their stockists listed on their website, and if your favourite doesn’t have it yet, ask them to order it for you.

This is the 10th anniversary special edition, and it doesn’t disappoint! Look how YARN has evolved over the last five years. Which was your favourite? I say every time: THIS is my favourite issue, they just get better and better!

I have a design in the bookazine, and it’s absolutely one of the most beautiful patterns I think I’ve ever created. I’m so proud of the result, and overwhelmed by the incredible styling.

It’s called Frozen Rose Shawl and is soft and delicate, with a beautiful open lace stitch pattern. My versions are made with whirl Forbidden Fuchsia* and also in Pink to Wink*, but I can’t wait to see what colour you choose for yours.

Another design that I can’t get enough of is Carmen’s adorable Chilly Billy polar bear. Can’t just just imagine snuggling that little guy and never wanting to let him go? I can see my daughter and I having words over who gets to keep him.

Chilly Billy is made with Scheepjes Furry Tales* and his outfit is made in Catona*.

Do make sure you pick up your copy quickly, I think this one is going to sell out. People are becoming collectors, with quite the hunt for some of the hard to find back issues going on…

If you’re a Scheepjes stockists and you have copies of The Colour Issue, please add direct links to the comments below so people can find you.

Please also do share your favourite projects, and don’t forget to tag me in your socials when you make my Frozen Rose shawl!

*Affiliate link