Finding my Mojo

Somewhere in January my crochet mojo just packed its bags and buggered off on holiday. No matter how hard I tried, I just could not force myself to enjoy any projects, new or old. Feelings of self-doubt plagued me for most of the month; I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to pick up a crochet hook again. Thankfully for me, January was a slow month, order wise. I only had a small backlog to work through. I suppose it was a combination of the winter blues with a bit of post Christmas burnout, I just needed some time for myself.

However, as quick as it came, it was gone! Now I’m back to feeling as enthusiastic as ever. I have a few pattern ideas swirling around and a couple of projects from my favourite designers that I can’t wait to make, including A Morning Cup if Jo’s new Giraffe pattern.

Meanwhile, even though I’d completely lost my mojo, I’ve been plugging away at the #CrochetMoodBlanket2014 project, crocheting a hexagon a day, reflecting my mood. I’ll admit to cheating a bit; I didn’t feel like crocheting a few days, so I added a “filler” colour. Here’s January’s progress:


I love the colours I chose, they reflect my own personal tastes perfectly. I’m really a pinks and blues kind of girl. Like my mum, I think turquoise is my favourite colour.

This is the mood palette; I’ve added a few interpretations since, because my moods are way more complex than “Happy,” or “Sick,” it. Turns out. Who’d have thought…?


I share pictures all the time on Instagram, so come join me. I’d love to see your photos too. It’s my favourite social media network, as let’s face it. I love looking at other peoples’ photos. I don’t care if we’re never likely to meet, it makes me feel as though we might… So add me here: Miss__Neriss

Here’s to longer days (and cooler weather for my Southern Hemisphere lovelies).

3 responses to “Finding my Mojo

  1. I totally know that feeling. I just don’t feel creative for a while… But then I kind of psych myself up and jump back in and am always glad that I did. I love the blanket you’re working on. What a great reminder it will be for next time you’re in a rut.

  2. That blanket is going to be amazing.x

  3. It happens to me too. I have a lot of unfinished projects bc I lose interest. But then again, its my personality. I end up finishing, but sometimes it is a year later!

    Love your mood blanket!

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