Breidag – A Yarn Paradise?

This weekend, together with my friend Tammy, I headed off to Breidag in Rijswijk here in the Netherlands.  It’s basically an excuse for yarn freaks like myself to see all the pretties in one place.

I went last year, and that was my first opportunity to be able to get up close and personal with a lot of the beautiful yarns that I had only dreamed about seeing, and this year was more of the same.  This year I had two goals in mind: to finally choose a long colour changing yarn from Wol Cafe, and to get my hands on some roving to finally learn how to make my own yarn.  I also hoped to find someone stocking the Vinnis Bambi which I first saw when Maaike from CreJJtion showed me this beautiful stole.  But overall I just wanted to fondle all the gorgeous yarns.

Upon arriving, Tammy and I decided to first do a lap, then come back to the stalls that we wanted to buy from.  We were really hoping to be dazzled by all the choices and the obvious love of yarn art, as we had been last year.

What we quickly discovered though was, much of the same, everywhere.  The big brands were very well represented.  Lots of Katia, lots of Scheepjes, Phildar and some Catania.  I love all these brands, but was hoping for more diversity.  However, hidden amongst the giants there were some wonderful pockets of loveliness.  Textiel Werk en Zo with their hand dyed and undyed yarns and spinning wheels, Diversan with their natural fibres, and Pink Hazel with their handmade needle cases.

Zeven Katten were there as well, and we had had such a great time with them last year that we wanted to go say hi and see what amazing yarns they had this year, but it was almost impossible to get to the stand!  As with these events (and I don’t know if it’s a Dutch thing or not), elbows were sharp and middle-aged women take no prisoners.  I found myself getting closer to the front of the pack and someone would swoop in and I’d be spat out the side.  In the end it wasn’t worth the hassle, so I moved on.

I had much the same experience at Wol Cafe.  Tammy and I waited a few minutes to get in close enough to look at the yarns we were hoping to buy, and the entire time I was there, a woman just kept reaching over my shoulder to grab at the yarns, then as I was paying, she was already shoving me out the way with her backpack.  This kind of behaviour really spoils an event for me.  Especially right now when I’ve just come back from a month in Australia where I couldn’t imagine a single person not politely waiting their turn!  That’s right, culture shock is hitting me hard.

So, what did I get?

Well, I finally decided on a Limited By Wol Cafe yarn.  It was a tough choice.  Usually I’m totally drawn to the pinks and turquoise colours, but I decided to go with a navy to cream colour.

Limited By Wol Cafe

I also couldn’t resist the Bamboo yarn that I found at Diversan. The entire stall was dedicated to natural fibres, which I LOVE!  I’ve found myself really being pulled towards the natural fibres, as the feeling and the colours are just so beautiful.

bamboo yarn from diversan  -

And finally I bought a drop spindle and some roving to teach myself how to spin.  Ideally I’d like to get a spinning wheel, but they’re expensive and I’m not sure my husband would support yet another yarn habit, considering I’m starting to knit as well!

I started practicing yesterday because basically I couldn’t wait any longer (than 24 hours!).  So far it’s interesting.  I’m not loving it because having to stop and start to keep the spindle spinning and then to wind the yarn is irritating, but hopefully with practice it will improve.  Suggestions for great tutorials online will be greatly appreciated!

Overall, what did I think of Breidag?  Well, I think MaraMaakt kind of summed it up (aside from her ideas on mulesing).  The venue wasn’t the greatest, there wasn’t a lot of atmosphere and there were a LOT of stalls with mass-produced yarns and the big brands.  I remember last year being all about the love of fibre.  There were not many Wow yarns this year, and I missed the diversity of crafts aside from, well, knitting.  There was quite a bit of crochet represented, but almost no spinning or dyeing (two or three stands) and I had hoped to see more beauty.

So, will I go again?  I’m not sure.  I might consider the handwerkbeurs in October, but it’s in the same location and although Rijswijk is easy for me to get to, the venue is dark and the layout made it crowded.  There was a LOT of space in that room, but all the stalls were really crammed in against one another.

The company, however, was amazing.  Thanks Tammy!

3 responses to “Breidag – A Yarn Paradise?

  1. Pingback: My New Spinning Obsession | Canadutch

  2. I think the mulesing part is my internal “rebel with a cause” 😉

    Nice post, funny to see how we enjoyed the same stands.

  3. Unfortunately yes, the elbow thing is Dutch behaviour. However, it’s okay ánd accepted to be Dutch about it and say something sharp about this behaviour like: ‘Excuse me, I am standing here and will make room for you in a moment’. In the south of NL, where I am from, things tend to be more polite (being spare Belgians and all) and I’ve had to learn to be more blunt once I moved up north. I found that, after I learned to speak up more, I was less and less caught in this type of behaviour.
    Okay, one-on-one Dutch integration over (next lesson: how to properly eat a stroopwafel). Let’s talk yarn!! I love the yarns you picked, I also have a thing for bamboo yarns. They’re just so… yum. I am mesmerized by the Limited By yarns, I am just not sure what to make with it except for a shawl of some kind.

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