Tag Archives: Leprechaun

St Patrick’s Day Baby Leprechaun Hat Pattern now Available

It has taken months and months and MONTHS to get there, but I finally have my St Patrick’s Day Leprechaun hat pattern ready to go.

Well, I have it in the newborn size for now.  I’m still working on the toddler size and will post the adult size as soon as I can.

The pattern is available in all of my stores, Etsy, Craftsy, and of course, Ravelry!

Here’s how it looks:

Baby Leprechaun - St Patrick's Day, pattern now available!

To celebrate, I’m giving away two copies of the pattern for free!  All you have to do to win is comment on this original post (on missneriss.com), and I will draw a random winner on Wednesday 12 March!  I will announce the lucky winners here and they will also be contacted by email.

Good luck, and thanks so much for your ongoing support!

Updated 13 March 2014

And the winners are:

Suzy and Patricia!  Congratulations, the pattern is on its way to you!


Instagram Action

I love taking photos, but my time is so limited that I never seem to get round to taking fabulously constructed shots with great lighting. Coupled with a daughter who will not sit still to take a sharp shot and a husband I never see during daylight hours, my model opportunities are often limited to desperate selfies! Honestly, most photos are taken on my couch at 11pm with my iPad before items get wrapped and shipped. Because of that, Instagram is my absolute best friend. I can share what I like there and it’s ok that my images aren’t professionally finished. Poor lighting isn’t the end of the world. I just try not to post blurred photos…

Here’s some of my latest creations that have only really made it as far as Instagram:

The pattern for this one is coming soon!

The pattern for this one is available to buy on Craftsy and Ravelry

Meanwhile, did you know that WordPress allows you to add Instagram images to posts by merely pasting the image link into the post/page? Looks fantastic and is interactive as well! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram, it’s where I spend most of my time.

How do you tackle the time vs lighting vs model issues?

Little Leprechaun

When a friend of mine contacted me about making a hat for a colleague’s soon to be born baby, but it had to be Irish, I immediately thought of a leprechaun. I mean, who wouldn’t, right? This friend of mine loved the idea, so I went hunting for patterns.

And hunting… And hunting.

I found a few, but nothing was quite what I had envisaged. So, I decided: “Time to design my own!” And here is the result:

Little Leprechaun on missneriss.com

I’m part way through writing a pattern, then I have to test it (testing should be a cinch as that’s what I’m doing for a living at the moment – software testing), and finally publish it.

Off topic, I spend the majority of my time hanging out on my Facebook page, and on Instagram. There’s something about Instagram that I can’t get enough of. Except the photos of feet. I’m not a fan of all these photos of feet. But, better than the zexy selfies I guess…

Anyway, come join me. I’d love to get to know you better.

Miss Neriss on Facebook

Miss Neriss on Instagram