
Angry Birds

Angry Birds

There are two types of people in this world, those who love Angry Birds and those who have never played Angry Birds.

My husband is still obsessed, even after playing the game for a couple of years on his phone. Has to get three stars on all levels. Thinks nothing of working on one level for days (weeks?). I on the other hand just want to get through all the levels as fast as possible and don’t care about my rank.

When a request came in to make this Angry Birds hat for a little boy, I have to be honest and say that I had reservations. I was sure that the end result would be nothing like the actual Angry Birds themselves.

How wrong could I have been?! Even when I was putting the eyes together, you could see that they could only belong to the red Angry Bird and then when it was all finished I couldn’t stop smiling because it looks so fantastic!

I pulled the pattern from Crochet Geek, who is one of the single best crochet resources on the Internet. Clear tutorials, plus videos for both right and left handers; just fantastic.

I used Drops Big Merino for the hat, which is lovely and soft and super stretchy, so will last for ages even on the fastest growing kids. For the face I used Drops Cotton Light.

What do you think? Cool, right?

Click the photo to be redirected to the tutorial.

5 responses to “Angry Birds

  1. Molly @ The Move to America

    Husband is obsessed with Angry Birds and I have just started to play it – and like it very much. Makes me laugh!

  2. so cool! thanks for sharing!
    my husband is a big angry birds fan as well – i think i should make him one hahah 🙂

  3. Great hat, well done!

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