Category Archives: Drops

Project Monday

This is what I’m up to this week.  Can you guess what it’s going to be?

A Productive Weekend

Hello production line!

Well, not really a production line, but a productive couple of days.  It started on Friday when I decided to tidy the huge cabinet that houses our TV, recipe books, some glasses, and just a plethora of crap.  I emptied two drawers of rubbish, tidied Raina’s books and put loads aside to pass on to other kids and then started on my “miscellaneous crochet stuff” draw.  This drawer housed all my printed patterns and old half finished projects from before Raina was even born!

I managed to chuck the projects – they had all been made using the wrong hook – and sorted out all the patterns.  On that mission I came across the pattern I’d bought ages ago from Etsy for a cute little teddy bear:  crochet teddy bear pattern from Magic with Hook and Needles

Now, because Friday saw the beginning of the Dutch campaign to takeover the world win the World Cup I had an entire evening to crochet to my heart’s content. and here was the result:

I only just noticed right now that I used almost the same backdrop as the original designer, how strange!

I used Drops Paris with a 3.5mm hook, and 6mm safety eyes.  I also made the scarf, but my daughter immediately ripped it off.  What is it with toddlers and their need to rip all and any clothes of dolls and stuffed toys?

So while I was feeling productive, and considering there was even more football on TV, I whipped up one of these Zpagetti hanging baskets that I’ve been seeing for the last few weeks on my Facebook feed.

It’s not quite the same as the original as the yarn I used was slightly lighter in weight than the Hoooked Zpagetti that the pattern calls for, so I made it a bit taller and not as much of a ball in shape.  I think it might well be a great way to store my winter accessories in the hall cupboard, and was an easy project that can be done in an evening on the couch while pretending that the World Cup isn’t happening.

FYI: Holland flogged Spain in their opening match, and Robin van Persie scored what is probably the Goal of the Series.  Check this cool re-creation:


Wink’s Summer Hearts Mandala

If you only follow one new blog this year, you must make sure it is A Creative Being.  Everything about Wink’s blog is beautiful.  The projects, the colours, the photography, everything.  It’s just one amazing package of crochet goodness. I have a few of her patterns, including the Design Wars shortlisted entry Dancing Hearts Wrap and most recently, the Summer Hearts Mandala which is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I wanted to create the mandala in line with the Crochet Collective’s Mandala Crochet Along, but I’m just useless at sticking with timelines, my life is just too busy, plus I really wanted to make this mandala as my first, and it wasn’t on their schedule (but there are some extraordinary ones, so check it out). So, I decided to sit down one night and smash it out.  And smash it out I did.  It’s a seriously fast pattern to work up, and it looks amazing.  I had the yarn and colours that Wink used (or close enough to) on hand and I couldn’t imagine using anything else. The finished mandala with the tension being too tight But I had a problem.  It’s difficult to see above, but instead of lying flat, the mandala has curled edges.  See what I mean? Mandala, tension too tight on missneriss.comSo I decided to leave it for the night as it was late and I was tired, and I wanted to fix it in the morning when I was feeling fresh again. The problem I have is that although I was using the exact same yarn, and the exact same hook as the pattern, my tension is far tighter than Winks, so the edges curled up on me.  This is a result of all the amigurumi projects I’ve been focusing on – you have to crochet tight so as to keep the stitches close together (I usually use at least one hook size down than what the yarn calls for). Here’s how I hold my yarn, how do you hold yours?  See how tightly wrapped around my little finger it is? Here's how I hold my yarn, super tight tension after so many amigurumi projects.But instead of frogging the entire project, I decided to just rip out the last couple of rows, to where it started to curl. The offending rowThis is the row that was causing the problem, before that I was progressing beautifully. I decided that because it’s difficult for me to loosen my tension (old habits die hard, right?), I would go up half a hook size and try my best. Changing from a 4mm to a 4.5mm hook to complete the projectI love my Clover hooks, they are the single best crochet related purchase I’ve made so far. And here we go!  The finished mandala! Summer Hearts Mandala by A Creative Being on missneriss.comSee how beautifully flat it lies now? It has a slight curve, a bit like a saucer, but I think that’s the intention, and I love it. See how it lies flat?  Perfect Summer Hearts Mandala on missneriss.comThe Summer Hearts Mandala was a beautiful project to make, I’m definitely going to be making more, and will experiment with different colours. Would you like me to make you one? By all means feel free to get in contact, I’d be honoured. Have you made any mandalas?  Which pattern is your favourite? There are so many to choose from and they’re all beautiful.

Minion 2.0

My love for minions never ends.  A couple of weeks ago I shared with you a new minion in progress here, and now he’s finished and has relocated to his new Gru!

Minion Madness, found on

I’m so happy with the way he turned out, I think he’s even better than the first one I made.  The next phase is to write a pattern for him so I can share the minion goodness with everyone!

Hello Minion! Found on


He’s much bigger than other minions I’ve made, and quite a bit fatter.  He’s the perfect size for a toddler to play with, and sturdy enough that he doesn’t have to sit on a shelf out of reach.  He’s a real toy.

I used Drops Paris in yellow and denim and some scrap in white, grey and black for the detailing.  I used felt for the mouth and a 10mm safety eye.


You can also see more pics, and follow me, on Instagram:

St Patrick’s Day Baby Leprechaun Hat Pattern now Available

It has taken months and months and MONTHS to get there, but I finally have my St Patrick’s Day Leprechaun hat pattern ready to go.

Well, I have it in the newborn size for now.  I’m still working on the toddler size and will post the adult size as soon as I can.

The pattern is available in all of my stores, Etsy, Craftsy, and of course, Ravelry!

Here’s how it looks:

Baby Leprechaun - St Patrick's Day, pattern now available!

To celebrate, I’m giving away two copies of the pattern for free!  All you have to do to win is comment on this original post (on, and I will draw a random winner on Wednesday 12 March!  I will announce the lucky winners here and they will also be contacted by email.

Good luck, and thanks so much for your ongoing support!

Updated 13 March 2014

And the winners are:

Suzy and Patricia!  Congratulations, the pattern is on its way to you!

Meet Kevin the Minion

Here he is, finished!

Kevin the Minion - as seen on

(click the image to pin it)

I loved making him, and it was a great experiment without a pattern.  Obviously with my critical eye there are loads of changes that I would make, so am considering making even more, and writing the pattern down.  Plus I’d love to make the possessed minion too…

What do you think?  Worth the investment in time?


WIP Wednesday

It’s taken ages, but finally I get to make Kevin the minion! I’m loving this little guy, and can’t wait to see how he ends up when he’s all done.

I initially went searching for a pattern, but the only one that I loved was All About Ami’s but it was much too big, so I decided to make my own.

He’s working up quickly too, which is what I love about amigurumi projects – instant gratification!

How much do you love minions?  Probably not as much as I do….

Fresh off the Hook – Elephant Lovey

When a friend asked if I would make her something for a baby boy, all I could think of was this beautiful Elephant Snuggle by local Amsterdam designer Dendennis, so even though the request came through at about 9pm and I was planning on an early night, I couldn’t wait to get started.

In real life the elephant is even better looking than in the photos!

Elephant Snuggle on - free pattern

Elephant Snuggle on - free pattern

Elephant Snuggle on - free pattern

Best news of all, the pattern is absolutely free!

->  Get the Elephant Snuggle here  <-

I used Drops Paris for this project, which you can order via Wool Warehouse* and Caro’s Atelier*.

If you’d like me to make you one of these, feel free to shoot me an email from my contact page, and don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram too!

*Affiliate Link

Special Request: Pippi Longstocking

When I was contacted recently by an acquaintance to make a Pippi Longstocking doll for her daughter I did some digging around the internet to find a pattern, only to come up empty. I couldn’t find anything that I really loved. Lots of options, but nothing that that fit the brief.

So, I decided that now was the time to start designing my own Pippi! Something that was exciting and a bit nerv-wracking at the same time because I’d never even made a doll before. I’ve made loads of stuffed animals and characters, but never a doll.

Here’s how it turned out:

Pippi Longstocking, as seen on

Pippi Longstocking, as seen on

Pippi Longstocking, as seen on

I’m busy working on a pattern for the doll. Whether it becomes a Pippi pattern listed for free (due to copyright), or a general doll pattern remains to be seen. What would you prefer? A Pippi Longstocking pattern?


Happy New Year, Crochet a Mood Blanket!

Beste Wensen!

That’s me wishing you best wishes for the new year.  Usually I would be expected to do a lap of the office kissing my colleagues giving them my best wishes, but as I now work from home, consider this my virtual smooch.

2014 is already off to a great start.  I look out the window and it is glorious.  The sun is shining and the temperatures haven’t properly dropped yet, so I’ve never been in such a good mood for the middle of winter, ever!

I’m not usually one for resolutions, as I never keep them, but I decided to have a crack at a few this year.  But instead of starting them on the first of January, I kicked off early.  I started running before Christmas.  Actually, I’ve been going to the gym with a group twice a week and we were on holidays over the Christmas period, so I had to do something to keep active.  Not ever being a runner, I surprised myself by getting out there and doing it.  My husband has been coming with me and although he’s a natural athlete and is nearly walking beside me, he’s amazing.

I’ve also decided to look for more things to be grateful in my life.  I’m a pessimist by nature, so it’s easy for me to find negatives everywhere, especially during the colder months, but that’s not the person I want to be any more so I’m making a change!  Each day I’m going to share something with the world (via FB, Twitter or Instagram) that I’m grateful for.  Perhaps I’ll do a weekly round up here, but we’ll have to see how my motivation and time goes!

In the Crochet world, it’s as busy as ever!  I have orders in the queue for Owl hats, a lion doggie sweater, a pippi longstocking doll, plus slippers that I’ve designed:

I used Sheepjeswol Roma big, and they’re lovely and snuggly. Not only that, because they’re so chunky, the stitches act like a masseur. So massaged, warm feet. What more could a girl ask for?!

Aside from the orders, I’ve picked up a project for myself this year, it’s the #crochetmoodblanket2014 crochet along that I discovered on New Year’s Eve on Instagram. There are more than 1000 people taking part, it’s amazing. I’ve been looking for a community to join that is filled with like-minded souls, and I’ve found it!

This is my mood palette:

And here is my progress for the first couple of days:

And day two:

I’m making a hexagon blanket inspired by my grandmother who makes the most beautiful hexagon quilts. Here’s one she made for my daughter, it’s one of her favourite things:

I found the pattern via Baby Love Brand, it’s a paid pattern, but well worth the (very small) investment. I’m using Drops Cotton Light to make it, and the colours are a mix of my favourites.

What’s inspiring you on these first few days of 2014? If you’re looking for a wonderful project, the crochet a mood blanket group is open to all comers, experts and newbies alike!