Category Archives: rainBOOM MAL

rainBOOM! Wrap – Czech Translation

I’m excited to be able to share a new rainBOOM translation with you, this time in Czech!

Petra from has so kindly taken the time to put all of this together for me, for which I’m very grateful.  Petra is a Scheepjes stockist and is just outside Prague and you can order colour packs here:

If you’re looking for the other languages (English and Dutch), you can find it all here.

Thanks so much Petra!


1 Stone Washed / River Washed sada (50 barev resp. 58 barev)

5mm háček (standardně je pro tuto přízi určen háček 3 – 3.5, ale aby šál byl měkčí, použila jsem větší háček), pokud však váš vzorek bude větší než má být, použijte háček menší
Jehla na zapošití konců
Vypínací podložka /špendlíky


Originální (50 ks) verze: 200cm (nejdelší vzdálenost) x 50cm široký
Rozšířená (58 ks) verze: 220cm (nejdelší vzdálenost x 50cm široký


16 ok x 8.5 řady Tr na 10cm x 10cm za použití 5mm háčku


(UK terminologie)

Tr treble crochet / dlouhý sloupek (pokud se budete dívat na video, pozor, v US terminologii je Tr dvojitě nahozený dlouhý sloupek, pozn. překlad)
Ch chain stitch / řetízkové oko
Inc increase / rozšířit, přidat oko – dva sloupky do jednoho oka
St(s) stitch(s) / oko (oka)
Tr2tog decrease / ujmout, sháčkovat 2 Tr dohromady (1. Tr nedokončíte (zůstanou vám 2 nitě na háčku, dále nahodíte na další Tr, píchnete do dalšího oka a dokončíte 2. dlouhý sloupek), pokud na YT zadáte tuto zkratku, najdete spoustu instruktážních videí.. J
(…) opakujte instrukce, jak je uvedeno v závorkách
[801] číslo barvy příze na pásce

Pozn. překlad: v návodu záměrně ponechávám zkratky UK s vysvětlením zde. Díky porozumění těmto zkratkám můžete další návody na háčkování číst, aniž byste uměli anglicky.


Tento vzor je vhodný pro začátečníky a je koncipován tak, abyste použili všech 50 barev ze sady River / Stone Washed.

Šál je konstruován ze 2 ks, kdy pracujete v řadách tam a zpět. Nejprve vyrobíte 2 trojúhelníky, potom diagonální řady a nakonec tyto dva kusy spojíte a přidáte třásně ze zbytků. Zbyde vám minimální množství příze, proto prosím myslete na dostatečné utahování. K vytvoření vzorku použijte barvy 801 / 803.

Na počátku každé řady udělejte dvě řetízková oka – ch2, tyto nepočítejte do součtu ok v řadě. Na konci každé řady práci otočte. Instrukce k tomu jsou uvedeny jako připomenutí pouze v řadě 1 a 2.

Při háčkování trojúhelníku budete přidávat 3 oka na každé straně (tzn. 6 na řadu) s přidáním 1 oka na konci a 2 v obloučku z 1 řetízkového oka (ch). Doporučuji průběžně zapošívat konce přízí, ulehčíte si tím spoustu práce na konci projektu.

Pokud je na počátku řady uvedeno číslo barvy příze [801], je třeba na konci předchozí řady přízi ukončit a začít s novou barvou. (Nerissa začíná řady pevným okem, pozn. překlad)

Na diagonálních stranách práce začněte pracovat vždy u základny trojúhelníku a po 3 řadách ukončete na krátké straně (míněno strana u vrcholu trojúhelníku, která se teprve začíná tvořit a bude jednou z dlouhých stran šálu.

Instrukce pro práci se sadou River / Stone Washed

  1. [801] ch2 (není v celém návodu počítáno jako oko), 2tr, ch2, 2tr do magického kroužku, otočit.
  2. Ch 2, inc v 1. oku (st), tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, tr, inc v posledním oku, otočit.
  3. Inc, 4tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 4tr, inc
  4. [821] Inc, 7tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 7tr, inc
  5. Inc, 10tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 10tr, inc
  6. Inc, 13tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 13tr, inc
  7. [820] Inc, 16tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 16tr, inc
  8. Inc, 19tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 19tr, inc
  9. Inc, 22tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 22tr, inc
  10. [836] Inc, 25tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 25tr, inc
  11. Inc, 28tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 28tr, inc
  12. Inc, 31tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 31tr, inc
  13. [835] Inc, 34tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 34tr
  14. Inc, 37tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 37tr, inc
  15. Inc, 40tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 40tr, inc
  16. [943] Inc, 43tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 43tr, inc
  17. Inc, 46tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 46tr, inc
  18. [945] Inc, 49tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 49tr, inc
  19. Inc, 52tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 52tr, inc
  20. [942] Inc, 55tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 55tr, inc
  21. Inc, 58tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 58tr, inc
  22. [807] Inc, 61tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 61tr, inc
  23. Inc, 64tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 64tr, inc
  24. [946] Inc, 67tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 67tr, inc
  25. Inc, 70tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 70tr, inc
  26. [823] Inc, 73tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 73tr, inc
  27. [944] Inc, 76tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 76tr, inc
  28. [816] Inc, 79tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 79tr, inc
  29. [947] Inc, 82tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 82tr, inc
  30. [834] Inc, 85tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 85tr, inc
  31. [817] Inc, 88tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 88tr, inc
  32. [833] Inc, 91tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 91tr, inc
  33. [809] Inc, 94tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 94tr, inc
  34. [832] Inc, 97tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 97tr, inc
  35. [812] Inc, 100tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 100tr, inc

Zakončete, začněte nový trojúhelník.

Opakujte řady 1-35 v následujícím sledu:

  1. [803] ch2 (není v celém návodu počítáno jako oko), 2tr, ch2, 2tr do magického kroužku, otočte.
  2. Ch 2, inc v 1. st, tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 1tr, inc v posledním oku, otočte.
  3. Inc, 4tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 4tr, inc
  4. [802] Inc, 7tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 7tr, inc
  5. Inc, 10tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 10tr, inc
  6. Inc, 13tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 13tr, inc
  7. [829] Inc, 16tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 16tr, inc
  8. Inc, 19tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 19tr, inc
  9. Inc, 22tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 22tr, inc
  10. [822] Inc, 25tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 25tr, inc
  11. Inc, 28tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 28tr, inc
  12. Inc, 31tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 31tr, inc
  13. [804] Inc, 34tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 34tr, inc
  14. Inc, 37tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 37tr, inc
  15. Inc, 40tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 40tr, inc
  16. [831] Inc, 43tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 43tr, inc
  17. Inc, 46tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 46tr, inc
  18. [814] Inc, 49tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 49tr, inc
  19. Inc, 52tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 52tr, inc
  20. [811] Inc, 55tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 55tr, inc
  21. Inc, 58tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 58tr, inc
  22. [810] Inc, 61tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 61tr, inc
  23. Inc, 64tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 64tr, inc
  24. [808] Inc, 67tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 67tr, inc
  25. Inc, 70tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 70tr, inc
  26. [818] Inc, 73tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 73tr, inc
  27. [830] Inc, 76tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 76tr, inc
  28. [949] Inc, 79tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 79tr, inc
  29. [941] Inc, 82tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 82tr, inc
  30. [950] Inc, 85tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 85tr, inc
  31. [805] Inc, 88tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 88tr, inc
  32. [828] Inc, 91tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 91tr, inc
  33. [813] Inc, 94tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 94tr, inc
  34. [824] Inc, 97tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 97tr, inc
  35. [952] Inc, 100tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 100tr, inc
  36. [948] Inc, tr až ke 2. oku před rohem, tr2tog v posledním st a ch obloučku, otočte
  37. Ch 2, Tr2tog, tr k poslednímu oku, inc do posledního oka, otočte
  38. Inc, tr až k 2. oku od konce řady, tr2tog do posledních dvou ok, zakončete.

Opakujte řady 38, 37 a 38 (jako sadu 3 řad) 8 krát, vyměňujte barvu po 3 řadách v následujícím pořadí:


Dejte pozor na to, abyste s novou barvou začítali vždy na dlouhé straně, NE tam, kde jste zakončovali práci s jednou z barev na krátké straně (strana u vrcholu trojúhelníku, která se teprve začíná vytvářet, je kratší než strana u základny trojúhelníku). Je to kvůli tomu, abyste vždy na obou (dlouhých) stranách šálu vytvořili rovný okraj.

Opakujte řady 38 a potom 37 s barvou [827], ponechte delší konec příze. Spojte pomocí tzv. whip stitch (k nalezení na YT, sešití jednoduše nabráním oka na předním díle a spojením se zadním dílem a dále opět zepředu dozadu; jde o jednoduchý spojovací steh, nikoliv matracový), ponechte delší konec příze stejně dlouhý jako předchozí konec. Nezatahujte za oka příliš silně, mohou pak vystoupit a práce nebude hladká.

Instrukce – rozšířená verze – Nová sada River / Stone Washed (58 barev)

Od vydání originálního návodu Scheepjes přidal do sady 8 nových barev River Washed příze. Abyste využili celou sadu, zde máte instrukce pro rozšířenou verzi RainBOOM!

  1. [801] ch2 (není v celém návodu počítáno jako oko), 2tr, ch2, 2tr do magického kroužku, otočte.
  2. Ch 2, inc do 1. st, tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, tr, inc do posledního oka, turn.
  3. Inc, 4tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 4tr, inc
  4. [821] Inc, 7tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 7tr, inc
  5. Inc, 10tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 10tr, inc
  6. Inc, 13tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 13tr, inc
  7. [820] Inc, 16tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 16tr, inc
  8. Inc, 19tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 19tr, inc
  9. Inc, 22tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 22tr, inc
  10. [836] Inc, 25tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 25tr, inc
  11. Inc, 28tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 28tr, inc
  12. Inc, 31tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 31tr, inc
  13. [835] Inc, 34tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 34tr
  14. Inc, 37tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 37tr, inc
  15. Inc, 40tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 40tr, inc
  16. [943] Inc, 43tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 43tr, inc
  17. Inc, 46tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 46tr, inc
  18. [945] Inc, 49tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 49tr, inc
  19. Inc, 52tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 52tr, inc
  20. [942] Inc, 55tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 55tr, inc
  21. Inc, 58tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 58tr, inc
  22. [807] Inc, 61tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 61tr, inc
  23. Inc, 64tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 64tr, inc
  24. [946] Inc, 67tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 67tr, inc
  25. Inc, 70tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 70tr, inc
  26. [823] Inc, 73tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 73tr, inc
  27. [956] Inc, 76tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 76tr, inc
  28. [944] Inc, 79tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 79tr, inc
  29. [961] Inc, 82tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 82tr, inc
  30. [816] Inc, 85tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 85tr, inc
  31. [947] Inc, 88tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 88tr, inc
  32. [960] Inc, 91tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 91tr, inc
  33. [834] Inc, 94tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 94tr, inc
  34. [817] Inc, 97tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 97tr, inc
  35. [833] Inc, 100tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 100tr, inc

Zakončete a začněte nový trojúhelník.

Opakujte řady 1-35 v následujícím pořadí:

  1. [803] ch2 (není v celém návodu počítáno jako oko), 2tr, ch2, 2tr do magického kroužku, otočte.
  2. Ch2, inc do 1. st, tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, tr, inc do posledního oka, otočte.
  3. Inc, 4tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 4tr, inc
  4. [802] Inc, 7tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 7tr, inc
  5. Inc, 10tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 10tr, inc
  6. Inc, 13tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 13tr, inc
  7. [829] Inc, 16tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 16tr, inc
  8. Inc, 19tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 19tr, inc
  9. Inc, 22tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 22tr, inc
  10. [822] Inc, 25tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 25tr, inc
  11. Inc, 28tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 28tr, inc
  12. Inc, 31tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 31tr, inc
  13. [804] Inc, 34tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 34tr
  14. Inc, 37tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 37tr, inc
  15. Inc, 40tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 40tr, inc
  16. [831] Inc, 43tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 43tr, inc
  17. Inc, 46tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 46tr, inc
  18. [814] Inc, 49tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 49tr, inc
  19. Inc, 52tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 52tr, inc
  20. [811] Inc, 55tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 55tr, inc
  21. Inc, 58tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 58tr, inc
  22. [810] Inc, 61tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 61tr, inc
  23. Inc, 64tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 64tr, inc
  24. [957] Inc, 67tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 67tr, inc
  25. Inc, 70tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 70tr, inc
  26. [808] Inc, 73tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 73tr, inc
  27. [818] Inc, 76tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 76tr, inc
  28. [830] Inc, 79tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 79tr, inc
  29. [949] Inc, 82tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 82tr, inc
  30. [941] Inc, 85tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 85tr, inc
  31. [950] Inc, 88tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 88tr, inc
  32. [805] Inc, 91tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 91tr, inc
  33. [828] Inc, 94tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 94tr, inc
  34. [813] Inc, 97tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 97tr, inc
  35. [824] Inc, 100tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) v ch obloučku, 100tr, inc
  36. [952] Inc, tr až ke 2. oku před rohem, tr2tog v posledním st a ch obloučku, otočte.
  37. Ch 2 Tr2tog, tr až k poslednímu oku, inc, otočte.
  38. Ch 2, Inc, tr až ke 2. oku před koncem, tr2tog do posledních dvou ok, zakončete.

Opakujte řady 38, 37 a 38 (jako sérii 3 řad) 16 krát, měňte barvy po 3 řadách v následujícím pořadí:


Dejte pozor na to, abyste s novou barvou začítali vždy na dlouhé straně (u základny trojúhelníku), NE tam, kde jste zakončovali práci s jednou z barev na krátké straně (strana u vrcholu trojúhelníku, která se teprve začíná vytvářet, je tedykratší než strana u základny trojúhelníku). Je to kvůli tomu, aby oba dlouhé okraje šálu byly rovné.

Opakujte řady 38 a potom 37 s barvou [827], ponechte delší konec příze. Spojte pomocí tzv. whip stitch (k nalezení na YT, sešití jednoduše nabráním oka na předním díle a spojením se zadním dílem a dále opět zepředu dozadu; jde o jednoduchý spojovací steh, nikoliv matracový), ponechte delší konec příze stejně dlouhý jako předchozí konec. Nezatahujte za oka příliš silně, mohou pak vystoupit a práce nebude hladká.


Ze zbytků příze z obou trojúhelníků ustříhněte přízi v délce 30 – 40 cm, přeložte na půl a protáhněte každým z ok po diagonálních stranách. Zbytky příze můžete rozdělit na teplé a studené barvy tak, jak je to u trojúhelníků. Pokud máte příze málo, přizpůsobte rozestupy třásní podle množství zbytkové příze. Vypněte (na počátku stran mohou být malé obloučky po počátečních ch2) a užijte si krásného nového šálu ve všech barvách duhy!

Zde najdete pomocná videa pro začátek a háčkování diagonálních řad:

Stránka na :

Mezinárodní Scheepjes Facebooková skupina:

Na Instagramu mě můžete sledovat na @miss__neriss a @Scheepjes a použijte hashtagy #rainBOOMMAL, #missneriss, #obsessedwithcrochet a #scheepjes

Na Facebooku použijte stejné hashtaky a nezapomeňte zmínit @madebymissneriss a @scheepjeswol.

A nezapomeňte Váš šál sdílet na, použijte tagy #rainBOOMMAL a #rainBOOM.




There you have it!

Thanks again to Petra, pop over to her webshop and check it out, there’s loads to be found!

A Big rainBOOM Thank You and Winner!

Suddenly it’s the end of the month and the official #rainBOOMMAL is coming to an end.


I want to thank you all for participating and sharing your photos this last month, and for being so supportive of me and of my design. The absolute highlight for me though is one of the Dutch participants who chose the rainBOOM! as her first ever crochet project and she absolutely NAILED it!  Head over to the (Dutch) group to take a look at her wrap, and the loads of others.  There are plenty of beautiful pics in the international group too!

I have seriously had the best February ever!  It was such a privilege to work with Scheepjes and put this event together, and that they were so willing to make it work it this month, in which I also celebrated my 40th (or 12th annual 29th as I like to joke) birthday.

Here’s me, on my birthday, in NYC wearing my rainBOOM!

Even though the official MAL is winding down, for those of you who haven’t finished, or indeed haven’t even started, I want to keep seeing your pictures in the Scheepjes CAL Facebook groups, and I would love you to keep tagging me in the posts you add to Instagram – keep using #rainBOOMMAL and #rainBOOM

Also, don’t be shy, if you’re running into trouble with getting started, or with your tension, you can always message me or post in either of the two groups where there are loads of people who can offer their valued advice!


As you would have seen, over the last month I’ve been asking you to share your rainBOOM pics with the hashtag #rainBOOMMAL so I can give away an awesome set of KnitPro rainbow blocking pins!

Today I randomly selected a winner:


Congratulations!  I’ll have the set in the post in the next day or so!

Thank you again for joining me this month, I’m going into the rest of 2019 full of good vibes and inspiration, and it’s thanks to you!


Now as I leave you for today, if you’re coming across this post and are looking for a colour pack, here is the info for you:

Scheepjes has a complete list on their website of global retailers for you
Wool Warehouse* ships all over the world
Deramores* also ships globally
Black Sheep Wools* in the UK
Caro’s Atelier* is my local yarn shop here in Almere
Be Inspired in South Africa
Knotty House* all over North America
Yarn InspiredBelleMae Yarns and Knit Spin Weave in Australia

You can also shop the yarn via my designer shop on! From there you can also get your hands on kits for more of my patterns with yarn + patterns all in one place.

Thanks again, and a big rainboom-y hug!



*affiliate link

The Last Row: #rainBOOMMAL

It’s been a busy month!  I’ve loved seeing everyone’s rainBOOM! wraps growing and being shown off all over the internet, and in real life.

Today I’m staring at my very last cutie pie ball of Scheepjes Stone Washed, hoping to finish it this afternoon.


Once I’m done, I will then tidy up the ends and evaluate the leftovers to create the tassels. I’m totally inspired by all the interpretations of the tassels, I’m excited to get on with it.

I think I’m going to go with the ombre look I’m seeing:

So I think I’m going to do that! But I’m also loving all the blended colours too:


Now don’t forget: I have the most adorable set of rainbow blocking pins from KnitPro to giveaway. These are going to be invaluable when it comes time to block your rainBOOM!

The set contains two blockers of each colour; 12 with 6 pins and 8 with 4 pins. And they’re just gorgeous!

To be in with a chance to win the set, you need to share your rainBOOM! pics on Instagram or Facebook (or both for more chances), use the hashtag #rainBOOMMAL in your post, and follow MissNeriss and Scheepjes on the platform you choose to share. For an extra chance to win, tag your friends!

The giveaway will run for a few more days, and I’ll announce a winner on the 28th of Feb. Make sure you’re following me @miss__neriss for all the latest.

Still Need a Colour Pack?

I know that many places sold out of their colour packs very quickly, but they’re back in stock all over the place now, so if you missed out in the first round, you can catch one at one of these places:

Scheepjes has a complete list on their website of global retailers for you
Wool Warehouse* ships all over the world
Deramores* also ships globally
Black Sheep Wools* in the UK
Caro’s Atelier* is my local yarn shop here in Almere
Be Inspired in South Africa
Knotty House* all over North America
Yarn InspiredBelleMae Yarns and Knit Spin Weave in Australia

You can also shop the yarn via my designer shop on! From there you can also get your hands on kits for more of my patterns with yarn + patterns all in one place.

Check back in a couple of days to see if you’ve won!

*Affiliate link

#rainBOOMMAL – pinks!

First things first.  Did you know that I’m hosting a giveaway this month on top of the rainBOOM! MAL?

I have the most adorable set of rainbow blocking pins from KnitPro to giveaway. These are going to be invaluable when it comes time to block your rainBOOM!

The set contains two blockers of each colour; 12 with 6 pins and 8 with 4 pins. And they’re just gorgeous!

To be in with a chance to win the set, you need to share your rainBOOM! pics on Instagram or Facebook (or both for more chances), use the hashtag #rainBOOMMAL in your post, and follow MissNeriss and Scheepjes on the platform you choose to share. For an extra chance to win, tag your friends! Scroll to the bottom of this post for the rest of the info.

Now, on with the show!

We’re almost half way through the #rainBOOMMAL and I’m blown away by all the projects I’m seeing on Facebook and Instagram.

My Instagram feed has been filled with a wave of pinks, as people are sharing their first halves of the their rainBOOMS and so I’m sharing some that I’ve loved. There are many, many pics that I’ve loved, by the way!

Aren’t these all just beautiful?

See more of #rainBOOMMAL images on Instagram by following hashtag #rainBOOMMAL

Next up I want to see all the cool shades!  The blues, the purples, the greens!  

And don’t forget the giveaway; details below.

Here’s a taste:

Giveaway Details

The retail price of these is €26.95, and in NL you can get them from* and de Breibar if you don’t want to wait! Internationally, check with your favourite retailer and if they don’t have them; you can always ask them to order them in for you.

The giveaway will run for the duration of the MAL, and I’ll announce a winner on the 28th of Feb. Make sure you’re following me @miss__neriss for all the latest.

The fine print: The giveaway is thanks to the lovely team at Scheepjes and is not affiliated with Facebook or Instagram in any way. The giveaway is open to everyone, no matter where you live in the world.

rainBOOM! Wrap MAL – It’s Launch Day!

I’ve been truly overwhelmed over the last two weeks since the team at Scheepjes announced this exciting collaboration.

Overwhelmed by the positive response, overwhelmed by the number of people who want to participate, overwhelmed to hear that retailers are already selling out of colour packs!

For those of you who have waited until today to start, I have a few resources to help you on your way.

The home page for all things rainBOOM! is here. It has everything consolidated in one place, so you’ll be able to find everything easily:



The patterns are available in a couple of places. If you want to show me some financial support, you can buy the printable pattern from Ravelry for a small fee, or you can get your hands on it via my blog. There are three versions: US terms, UK terms, and in Dutch. Here are the links:

English US

English UK


Once you have the pattern, you need to make sure you take a look at the tips and tricks. There are a few points you need to take care to remember, the most of which is your tension. I sound like a broken record, but if you are a loose crocheter, you will run out of yarn in the diagonal rows!

So, if you know from the outset that you crochet loosely, please try a half or full hook size smaller. I have specifically chosen to use a larger hook size for this design to increase the drape, but there is very little yarn left at the end of each diagonal row, it’s an exercise in yarn chicken – especially if you crochet on the looser side.

This, and more tips, plus a couple of videos are all in the post that I’ve written. Do please bear in mind that I talk and crochet really fast, but thankfully you can change the speed settings in the video by clicking the little cog or the three vertical dots, depending on your device.

Tips, Tricks and a some video help

Facebook Groups

Don’t forget that to make the most of this MAL, head over to one of the Scheepjes Facebook groups to join the fun. We’re all going to be sharing our progress pics and helping each other with the tricky bits there.

If you’re not a member, you can join the international group (English language) here, or if you’re more comfortable in Dutch, you can join that one here.

All the announcements and support will be via those two groups, and I will be around each day along with the fabulous unsung heroes who make up the admin team to answer any questions and offer advice when needed. You can contact me directly via email, but the fastest response will be in one of those two groups. Feel free to tag me if you would like me to specifically see your post. I’ll be doing my best to keep up, but those groups are so busy that it’ll be a challenge to see even half of the posts!

Still don’t have your yarn?

I know that retailers are selling packs fast! If you haven’t been able to order yours yet, here is a list of recommendations for you:

 Scheepjes has a complete list on their website of global retailers for you
Wool Warehouse* ships all over the world
Deramores* also ships globally
Black Sheep Wools* in the UK 
Caro’s Atelier* is my local yarn shop here in Almere
Be Inspired in South Africa
Knotty House* in North America
Yarn Inspired, BelleMae Yarns and Knit Spin Weave in Australia

You can also shop the yarn via my designer shop on! From there you can also get your hands on kits for more of my patterns with yarn + patterns all in one place.


Every day during the MAL we’ll be sharing our progress pics. I really want to be able to see what you are sharing, so here are some suggestions on how and where to share:

On Instagram, please follow me @miss__neriss and @Scheepjes and use hashtags #rainBOOMMAL, #missneriss, #obsessedwithcrochet and #scheepjes. I’ll be resharing a couple of photos each day, because I find all your shots so far to be really inspiring!

If sharing on Facebook, use the same hashtags, and don’t forget to mention me @madebymissneriss and @scheepjeswol. Don’t forget to share your progress pics in the Facebook groups because people are very eager to share you joy and to help you out if you need it!

Most importantly: don’t forget to share your project on Ravelry! Also use tags #rainBOOMMAL and #rainBOOM


Before I forget, I’m also hosting a giveaway!

I have the most adorable set of rainbow blocking pins from KnitPro to giveaway. These are going to be invaluable when it comes time to block your rainBOOM!

The set contains two blockers of each colour; 12 with 6 pins and 8 with 4 pins. And they’re just gorgeous!

To be in with a chance to win the set, you need to share your rainBOOM! pics on Instagram or Facebook (or both for more chances), use the hashtag #rainBOOMMAL in your post, and follow MissNeriss and Scheepjes on the platform you choose to share. For an extra chance to win, tag your friends!

The retail price of these is €26.95, and in NL you can get them from* and de Breibar if you don’t want to wait! Internationally, check with your favourite retailer and if they don’t have them; you can always ask them to order them in for you.

The giveaway will run for the duration of the MAL, and I’ll announce a winner on the 28th of Feb.

The fine print: The giveaway is thanks to the lovely team at Scheepjes and is not affiliated with Facebook or Instagram in any way. The giveaway is open to everyone, no matter where you live in the world.

Special Thank You Discount

Lastly, to show you how thankful I am that you’ve taken the time to spend your hard earned money to join me in this exciting adventure by purchasing a Colour Pack* and maybe even the printable, I want to give you a discount on all of the patterns that are in my Ravelry store.

Image result for ravelry logo image

There is no limit on the amount of patterns you purchase, and the discount is valid from right now through to the end of Feb 2019.

Just use code rainBOOMMAL at checkout for 15% off.

Ok, that’s it. Now let’s get our hooks and crochet!

*Affliate link

rainBOOM! Wrap Tips and Tricks, and Video Help

Welcome to my tips and tricks post for the rainBOOM! Wrap.

Choosing Your Yarn Pack

When Scheepjes first released their Stone and River Washed colour packs in 2018, they were a roaring success, selling out in short order. I know that there are a lot of you who bought a pack just to look at, or to display, or to use, but no sure what to actually make with it.

Also, since then Scheepjes has brought out 8 new ochre based river washed colours, and the packs have been out of stock almost everywhere for a little while now.

Some great news is, the packs are all available to purchase again, and the new packs all contain the 8 new colours!

As a result of this, I’ve created two versions of the rainBOOM! pattern. One using the original pack, and the other with the 8 new colours blended in!

So it doesn’t matter which pack you have, there’s a rainBOOM! for you.

Getting Started

While the pattern is straight forward with only a couple of different stitches being used, there are a few little parts which you might find a little bit tricky.

I’ve created a couple of videos if you want to have a look. The first shows you how to get started, by making your magic ring and working the first few rows back and forth:

You’ll see that in the pattern I’ve noted that at the beginning of each row you should chain 2. This never counts as a stitch. When changing colours, feel free to use a standing treble (US double) crochet if you prefer. I’m a ch2 kinda girl myself.

Matching Gauge

Once you get going, the pattern is really very simple. You just need to pay close attention to your gauge (or tension), because if you crochet loosely you’ll need to go down a half or full hook size. The wrap is made using a 5 mm hook although the yarn itself calls for a 3-3.5mm. I did this on purpose. I wanted to increase the drape, as if you’re working with a 3mm hook, the fabric will remain quite dense and not drape as well.

If you find your stitches to be very open and loose, and you’re unable to match gauge, please do try again with a smaller hook because otherwise you will come into trouble when it comes to making your diagonal rows – there is only very little yarn left over after making each set of rows when matching gauge.

Working the diagonals

Speaking of the diagonal rows, I’ve made a second short video to show you how and where you need to increase and decrease to make sure you get a flat parallel edge:

In the instructions you’ll see:

Repeat rows Repeat rows 38, 37 and 38 (as a set of three rows) 16 times, changing colour every 3 rows

This means you should work sets of three rows; starting with row 38, then repeat row 37 and 38 again. These three rows make up your diagonal stripes. What it basically means is, on the first row of the set you increase, work to the last 2 then decrease in the last two. Then turn and work row 37 by decreasing in the first 2, then working to the last, increasing in the very last stitch. Turn one more time and work row 38 again, increasing in the first stitch, and then work each stitch across as normal to the last 2, then decrease. From there, tie off and weave in the ends.

Repeat this for each colour of the diagonal stripes, except the last colour. With that last colour you need to only work 38 then 37, leaving a long tail (about 40cm) to whip stitch the diagonal to the first triangle.

Don’t forget: when making the diagonals, you will always start each set of three rows on the longest side, and tie off on the shortest.


Once you’re all finished, it’s time to add the tassels, which are arguably my favourite part. What you should do is, gather up all the remaining ends and divide them into warm and cool colours, and then with lengths of between 30 and 40 cm, knot them double stranded onto each end of the wrap.

I didn’t bother cutting my tassels perfectly. I just broke each into lengths and left the ends to be soft and layered, but if you prefer, you can trim them all to the same length once you’re done.


We all agree that blocking is essential to finishing off your crochet project to that higher level, and the rainBOOM! Wrap is no exception. Your long sides may have small bumps from your ch2 at the beginning of each row, so what you should do is soak your rainBOOM! in a tepid wool wash bath, and squeeze out the excess, pinning the wrap out making sure you pull your long sides so the bumps become invisible and the stitches are able to relax beautifully.

Alternatively, if you’re impatient like I am, pin your rainBOOM! out while it’s dry, making sure the sides are all straight, and your tassels are laid out smoothly, then using a spray bottle with a mixture of your favourite wool wash and water and soak it that way. Then the rainBOOM won’t take quite as long to dry and the results are just as good.

Either way, at least a day’s patience is needed because the stone/river washed takes a while to dry thanks to the cotton content.

Get the yarn

Have you purchased your yarn for this yet? There are loads of fabulous retailers all over the world where you can buy your yarn packs. Scheepjes has a complete list on their website and I have a few recommendations for you too:
Wool Warehouse* ships all over the world
Deramores* also ships globally
Black Sheep Wools* in the UK
Caro’s Atelier* is my local yarn shop here in Almere
Be Inspired in South Africa
Knotty House* in North America
BelleMae Yarns and Knit Spin Weave in Australia

You can also shop the yarn via my designer shop on! From there you can also get your hands on kits for more of my patterns with yarn + patterns all in one place.

Over to you!

Now I want to open the floor to you! Do you have any tips for others making the rainBOOM! Wrap? Or alternatively, do you have any questions that you’d like me to answer that aren’t covered here?

Let me know in the comments below, or head to either the International or Dutch Facebook groups where there are a bunch of people who are on hand basically round the clock to help each other out. Don’t you just love the community that Scheepjes has created for their customers?

rainBOOM! Wrap – Crochet Pattern with US Terms


I’ve updated the the rainBOOM! Wrap pattern, just in time to kick off the #rainBOOMMAL in collaboration with Scheepjes. Is this the first you’ve heard of it? All the info can be found in this post.

Before we start, if you’re looking for the version which uses UK terms go here, and the Dutch translation can be found here.

In this version you can find the pattern using UK terminology. I also have a tips and tricks post (which will be online Wednesday 30th Jan) which talks about all the little things that you may find to be a bit challenging, including a couple of short videos which should help if you get stuck at all.

Ready to go?


One Stone Washed River Washed Colour Pack (all fifty colours)
5mm crochet hook
Tapestry needle
Blocking mats/pins


Original version: 200cm point to point (78 ¾ in) x 50cm (19 ½ in) wide
Extended version: 220cm point to point (86 1/2 in) x 50cm (19 ½ in) wide


16 stitches by 8.5 rows in 10cm by 10cm (4in) using a 5mm (H) hook in pattern.


(US Terms)
DC double crochet
Ch chain stitch
Inc increase – two double crochet stitches in one stitch
DC2tog decrease – double crochet made over 2 stitches from previous row.
repeat instructions between brackets as directed.
[801] denotes colour number from the yarn label.


This is a beginner friendly pattern, designed touse all 50 colours of the Scheepjes Stone Washed and River Washed colourpack. 

The wrap will be constructed in two pieces,working back and forth in rows. First making two triangles, then diagonal rows,and finally joining the two pieces and adding tassels from the leftovers.  There will be minimal yarn left over, so do payattention to your tension. Use either colour 801 or 803 and make a swatch.

At the start of each row you should ch2, thiswill not count as a stitch throughout. At the end of each row you should turnyour work. The instruction is only mentioned in rows 1 and 2, as a reminder.

While making the triangle, the rows willincrease by 3 stitches each side (6 per row), with an increase at the flatedge, and in the ch space. Weave in your ends as you go, this will vastlyreduce the amount of work at the end of the project.

Where the colour number is noted at the beginning of a row [801], you should tie off at the previous row and start using the next colour.

Find the Yarn

There are loads of fabulous retailers all over the world where you can buy your yarn packs. Scheepjes has a complete list on their website and I have a few recommendations for you too: 
Wool Warehouse* ships all over the world
Deramores* also ships globally
Black Sheep Wools* in the UK
Caro’s Atelier* is my local yarn shop here in Almere
Be Inspired in South Africa
Knotty House* in North America
Yarn InspiredBelleMae Yarns and Knit Spin Weave in Australia

Original Colour Pack Instructions

  1. [801] ch2 (does not count as a stitch here or throughout), 2DC, ch2, 2DC in a magic ring, turn.
  2. Ch 2, inc in the 1st st, DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, DC, inc in the last, turn.
  3. Inc, 4DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 4DC, inc
  4. [821] Inc, 7DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 7DC, inc
  5. Inc, 10DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 10DC, inc
  6. Inc, 13DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 13DC, inc
  7. [820] Inc, 16DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 16DC, inc
  8. Inc, 19DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 19DC, inc
  9. Inc, 22DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 22DC, inc
  10. [836] Inc, 25DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 25DC, inc
  11. Inc, 28DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 28DC, inc
  12. Inc, 31DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 31DC, inc
  13. [835] Inc, 34DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 34DC
  14. Inc, 37DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 37DC, inc
  15. Inc, 40DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 40DC, inc
  16. [943] Inc, 43DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 43DC, inc
  17. Inc, 46DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 46DC, inc
  18. [945] Inc, 49DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 49DC, inc
  19. Inc, 52DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 52DC, inc
  20. [942] Inc, 55DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 55DC, inc
  21. Inc, 58DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 58DC, inc
  22. [807] Inc, 61DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 61DC, inc
  23. Inc, 64DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 64DC, inc
  24. [946] Inc, 67DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 67DC, inc
  25. Inc, 70DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 70DC, inc
  26. [823] Inc, 73DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 73DC, inc
  27. [944] Inc, 76DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 76DC, inc
  28. [816] Inc, 79DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 79DC, inc
  29. [947] Inc, 82DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 82DC, inc
  30. [834] Inc, 85DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 85DC, inc
  31. [817] Inc, 88DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 88DC, inc
  32. [833] Inc, 91DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 91DC, inc
  33. [809] Inc, 94DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 94DC, inc
  34. [832] Inc, 97DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 97DC, inc
  35. [812] Inc, 100DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 100DC, inc

Tie off, start new triangle.
Repeat rows 1-35 inthe following order:

  1. [803]ch2 (does not count as a stitch here or throughout), 2DC, ch2, 2DC in a magicring, turn.
  2. Ch2, inc in the 1st st, DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, DC, incin the last st, turn.
  3. Inc,4DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 4DC, inc
  4. [802]Inc, 7DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 7DC, inc
  5. Inc,10DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 10DC, inc
  6. Inc,13DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 13DC, inc
  7. [829]Inc, 16DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 16DC, inc
  8. Inc,19DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 19DC, inc
  9. Inc,22DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 22DC, inc
  10. [822]Inc, 25DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 25DC, inc
  11. Inc,28DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 28DC, inc
  12. Inc,31DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 31DC, inc
  13. [804]Inc, 34DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 34DC, inc
  14. Inc,37DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 37DC, inc
  15. Inc,40DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 40DC, inc
  16. [831]Inc, 43DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 43DC, inc
  17. Inc,46DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 46DC, inc
  18. [814]Inc, 49DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 49DC, inc
  19. Inc,52DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 52DC, inc
  20. [811]Inc, 55DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 55DC, inc
  21. Inc,58DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 58DC, inc
  22. [810]Inc, 61DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 61DC, inc
  23. Inc,64DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 64DC, inc
  24. [808]Inc, 67DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 67DC, inc
  25. Inc,70DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 70DC, inc
  26. [818]Inc, 73DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 73DC, inc
  27. [830]Inc, 76DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 76DC, inc
  28. [949]Inc, 79DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 79DC, inc
  29. [941]Inc, 82DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 82DC, inc
  30. [950]Inc, 85DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 85DC, inc
  31. [805]Inc, 88DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 88DC, inc
  32. [828]Inc, 91DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 91DC, inc
  33. [813]Inc, 94DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 94DC, inc
  34. [824]Inc, 97DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 97DC, inc
  35. [952]Inc, 100DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 100DC, inc
  36. [948]Inc, DC up to the 2nd last stitch before the corner, DC2tog in lastst and ch space, turn
  37. Ch2, DC2tog, DC to last stitch, inc in the last st, turn
  38. Inc,DC up to the 2nd last stitch, DC2tog in last 2 stitches, tie off

Repeat rows Repeat rows 38, 37 and 38 (as a setof three rows) 8 times, changing colour every 3 rows in the following order:


Make sure you always start your new colour on the long side, not where you tied off on the short side. This will ensure that you always have a straight edge on both sides.

Repeat rows 38 and then 37 with colour [827], then saving a long tail, whip stitch the two pieces together, with the long edge of piece two matching up with the point of piece one. Don’t pull the stitches too tight, otherwise a ridge will appear.

Extended Colour Pack Instructions

Since the original release of this Pattern,Scheepjes has added eight new river washed colours to their colour packs.  To take full advantage of that, here are theinstructions to make the extended RainBOOM!

  1. [801] ch2 (does not count as a stitch here or throughout), 2DC, ch2,2DC in a magic ring, turn.
  2. Ch 2, inc in the 1st st, DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the chspace, DC, inc in the last st, turn.
  3. Inc, 4DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 4DC, inc
  4. [821] Inc, 7DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 7DC, inc
  5. Inc, 10DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 10DC, inc
  6. Inc, 13DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 13DC, inc
  7. [820] Inc, 16DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 16DC, inc
  8. Inc, 19DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 19DC, inc
  9. Inc, 22DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 22DC, inc
  10. [836] Inc, 25DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 25DC, inc
  11. Inc, 28DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 28DC, inc
  12. Inc, 31DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 31DC, inc
  13. [835] Inc, 34DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 34DC
  14. Inc, 37DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 37DC, inc
  15. Inc, 40DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 40DC, inc
  16. [943] Inc, 43DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 43DC, inc
  17. Inc, 46DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 46DC, inc
  18. [945] Inc, 49DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 49DC, inc
  19. Inc, 52DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 52DC, inc
  20. [942] Inc, 55DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 55DC, inc
  21. Inc, 58DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 58DC, inc
  22. [807] Inc, 61DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 61DC, inc
  23. Inc, 64DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 64DC, inc
  24. [946] Inc, 67DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 67DC, inc
  25. Inc, 70DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 70DC, inc
  26. [823] Inc, 73DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 73DC, inc
  27. [956] Inc, 76DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 76DC, inc
  28. [944] Inc, 79DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 79DC, inc
  29. [961] Inc, 82DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 82DC, inc
  30. [816] Inc, 85DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 85DC, inc
  31. [947] Inc, 88DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 88DC, inc
  32. [960] Inc, 91DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 91DC, inc
  33. [834] Inc, 94DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 94DC, inc
  34. [817] Inc, 97DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 97DC, inc
  35. [833] Inc, 100DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 100DC, inc

Tie off, start new triangle.
Repeat rows 1-35 in the following order:

  1. [803] ch2 (does not count as a stitch here or throughout), 2DC, ch2, 2DC in a magic ring, turn.
  2. Ch2, inc in the 1st, DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, DC, inc in the last st, turn.
  3. Inc, 4DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 4DC, inc
  4. [802] Inc, 7DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 7DC, inc
  5. Inc, 10DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 10DC, inc
  6. Inc, 13DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 13DC, inc
  7. [829] Inc, 16DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 16DC, inc
  8. Inc, 19DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 19DC, inc
  9. Inc, 22DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 22DC, inc
  10. [822] Inc, 25DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 25DC, inc
  11. Inc, 28DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 28DC, inc
  12. Inc, 31DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 31DC, inc
  13. [804] Inc, 34DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 34DC
  14. Inc, 37DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 37DC, inc
  15. Inc, 40DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 40DC, inc
  16. [831] Inc, 43DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 43DC, inc
  17. Inc, 46DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 46DC, inc
  18. [814] Inc, 49DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 49DC, inc
  19. Inc, 52DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 52DC, inc
  20. [811] Inc, 55DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 55DC, inc
  21. Inc, 58DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 58DC, inc
  22. [810] Inc, 61DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 61DC, inc
  23. Inc, 64DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 64DC, inc
  24. [957] Inc, 67DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 67DC, inc
  25. Inc, 70DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 70DC, inc
  26. [808] Inc, 73DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 73DC, inc
  27. [818] Inc, 76DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 76DC, inc
  28. [830] Inc, 79DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 79DC, inc
  29. [949] Inc, 82DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 82DC, inc
  30. [941] Inc, 85DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 85DC, inc
  31. [950] Inc, 88DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 88DC, inc
  32. [805] Inc, 91DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 91DC, inc
  33. [828] Inc, 94DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 94DC, inc
  34. [813] Inc, 97DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 97DC, inc
  35. [824] Inc, 100DC, (2DC, ch2, 2DC) in the ch space, 100DC, inc
  36. [952] Inc, DC up to the 2nd last stitch before the corner, DC2tog in last st and ch space, turn.
  37. Ch 2 DC2tog, DC up to the last stitch, inc, turn.
  38. Ch 2, Inc, DC up to the 2nd last stitch, DC2tog in last 2 stitches, tie off.

Repeat rows Repeat rows 38, 37 and 38 (as aset of three rows) 16 times, changing colour every 3 rows in the followingorder:


Make sure you always start your new colour on the long side, not where you tied off on the short side. This will ensure that you always have a straight edge on both sides.

Repeat rows 38 and then 37 with colour [809],then saving a long tail, whip stitch the two pieces together, with the longedge of piece two matching up with the point of piece one. Do not pull thestitches too tight, otherwise a ridge will appear.


Separating the leftover colours from piece one and piece two, cut 30-40cm lengths, and double stranded, knot tassels in each stitch along both short (diagonal) sides. Adjust spacing according to the amount of remaining yarn. Block to size, enjoy!


Do note: the chart is just an example of how you should begin, and how the diagonal rows are worked. Please do not follow this exactly from the start, but instead use it as a guide

Still looking for your yarn pack? There are loads of fabulous retailers all over the world where you can buy your yarn packs. Scheepjes has a complete list on their website and I have a few recommendations for you too: 
Wool Warehouse* ships all over the world
Caro’s Atelier* is my local yarn shop here in Almere
Be Inspired in South Africa
Knotty House* in North America
Yarn Inspired, BelleMae Yarns and Knit Spin Weave in Australia

Or you could check out my designer store on* – where you can get your hands on the kit AND a pdf of the pattern at the same time. They also ship worldwide, so that’s a win-win!

Now, I do hope you’re joining the #rainBOOMMAL that’s running through all of February 2019. In collaboration with the amazing people at Scheepjes, we’ll be crocheting together, from all corners of the world, bringing some more colour into our lives.

#RainBOOMMAL – Nederlandse Versie

Great news! Along with the help of my friend Kirsten from Haak Maar Raak, I’ve translated my RainBOOM! wrap into Dutch! I did the basics, and she fixed the grammar. Isn’t she a star?!

Although I live in the Netherlands and speak Dutch, my confidence is low when it comes to the written language and pattern writing, which is why I don’t have many designs translated. I appreciate that this is frustrating for some of you, and it’s my mission to incorporate more Dutch-inclusive designs in 2019, starting with this one!

Looking for an english version of this pattern? You can find the UK version here and the US version here.

Ok, Klaar om te gaan?

Er staat een tips en tricks bericht hier (engels), ook met een paar youtube filmpjes over de begin steekjes en ook over meer en minderen. (woensdag 30e januari staat het online)

Haak je ook mee met de #rainBOOMMAL? Volg mij op instagram @miss__neriss, gebruik #rainBOOMMAL en #scheepjes op Facebook en Instagram, en deel jouw project op Ravelry!


Een Stone Washed River Washed Colour Pack (alle vijftig kleuren)
5 mm haaknaald
Tapestry naald
blocking mats


Originele Versie: 200 cm (punt tot punt) x 5o cm breed
Uitgebreid Versie: 220 cm (punt tot punt) x 50 cm breed


16 steken x 8.5 rijen in st meten 10 x 10 cm in patroon (stokjes)


st stokje
l losse
l-open opening(en) van losse(n)
meerd meerderen – 2 stokjes in een steek
mind minderen – 2 stokjes samenhaken
[…) herhaal de instructies tussen haakjes het totaal aantal keren zoals aangegeven
[801) kleur nummer


Dit is eenbeginner-vriendelijk patroon, om alle 50 kleuren van de Scheepjes Stone Washeden River Washed colour pack te gebruiken.

De omslagdoekzal in twee stukken worden gehaakt, in rijen. Eerst gaan we twee driehoeken makn, dan haken we diagonale rijen aan eenzijde van de driehoek, en uiteindelijk gaan we de twee stukken aan elkaarnaaien en franjes maken van de restjes. Je gebruikt vrijwel al het garen, dusmijn advies is: let goed op de stekenverhouding. Gebruik kleur 801 of803 als swatch.

Op het begin van elke rij haak je 2 lossen. Dit telt niet als een steek. Het is alleen in de eerste rij van de instructies opgenomen, maar geldt voor het hele patroon.

Elk rij vande driehoeken meerdert 3 steken op beide uiteindes, je meerdert dus in totaal 6steken per rij. Werk alle draadeindes weg bij elk nieuwe kleur, anders is hetheel veel werk op het eind van het project.

Aan het begin van een rij geef ik tussen haakjes aan welke kleur je moet gebruiken.


Er staat heleboel winkels op de Scheepjes website, en Caro’s Atelier* is dicht bij mij in de buurt.


  1. [801], 2l, 2st, 2l, 2st in een magische ring, keer om.
  2. 2l Meerd, st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, st, meerd inde laatste st.
  3. Meerd,4st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, 4st, meerd.
  4. [821]Meerd, 7st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, 7st, meerd.
  5. Meerd, 10st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, 10st, meerd.
  6. Meerd, 13st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, 13st, meerd.
  7. [820]Meerd, 16st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, 16st, meerd.
  8. Meerd, 19st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, 19st, meerd.
  9. Meerd, 22st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, 22st, meerd.
  10. [836]Meerd, 25st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, 25st, meerd.
  11. Meerd, 28st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, 28st, meerd.
  12. Meerd, 31st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, 31st, meerd.
  13. [835]Meerd, 34st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, 34st, meerd
  14. Meerd, 37st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 37st, meerd.
  15. Meerd, 40st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 40st, meerd.
  16. [943]Meerd, 43st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 43st, meerd.
  17. Meerd, 46st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 46st, meerd.
  18. [945]Meerd, 49st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 49st, meerd.
  19. Meerd,52st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 52st, meerd.
  20. [942]Meerd, 55st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 55st, meerd.
  21. Meerd, 58st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 58st, meerd.
  22. [807]Meerd, 61st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 61st, meerd.
  23. Meerd, 64st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 64st, meerd.
  24. [946]Meerd, 67st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 67st, meerd.
  25. Meerd, 70st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 70st, meerd.
  26. [823]Meerd, 73st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 73st, meerd.
  27. [944]Meerd, 76st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 76st, meerd.
  28. [816]Meerd, 79st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 79st, meerd.
  29. [947]Meerd, 82st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 82st, meerd.
  30. [834]Meerd, 85st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 85st, meerd.
  31. [817]Meerd, 88st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 88st, meerd.
  32. [833]Meerd, 91st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 91st, meerd.
  33. [809]Meerd, 94st,(2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 94st, meerd.
  34. [832]Meerd, 97st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 97st, meerd.
  35. [812] Meerd, 100st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 100st, meerd.

Hecht af, begin tweede driehoek.
Herhaal rijen 1-35 als volgt:

  1. [803] 2l,2st, 2l, 2st in een magische ring, keer om.
  2. 2l Meerd, st,(2st, 2l, 2st) in de l-open, st, meerd in de laatste st.
  3. Meerd, 4st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 4st, meerd.
  4. [802] Meerd, 7st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 7st, meerd.
  5. Meerd, 10st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 10st, meerd.
  6. Meerd, 13st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 13st, meerd.
  7. [829] Meerd, 16st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 16st, meerd.
  8. Meerd, 19st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 19st, meerd.
  9. Meerd, 22st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 22st, meerd.
  10. [822] Meerd, 25st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 25st, meerd.
  11. Meerd, 28st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 28st, meerd.
  12. Meerd, 31st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 31st, meerd.
  13. [804] Meerd, 34st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 34st, meerd
  14. Meerd, 37st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 37st, meerd.
  15. Meerd, 40st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 40st, meerd.
  16. [831] Meerd, 43st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 43st, meerd.
  17. Meerd, 46st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 46st, meerd.
  18. [814] Meerd, 49st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 49st, meerd.
  19. Meerd, 52st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 52st, meerd.
  20. [811] Meerd, 55st (2st, 2l, 2st) inl-open, 55st, meerd.
  21. Meerd, 58st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in del-open, 58st, meerd.
  22. [810] Meerd, 61st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inde l-open, 61st, meerd.
  23. Meerd, 64st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in del-open, 64st, meerd.
  24. [808] Meerd, 67st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inde l-open, 67st, meerd.
  25. Meerd, 70st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in del-open, 70st, meerd.
  26. [818] Meerd, 73st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inde l-open, 73st, meerd.
  27. [830] Meerd, 76st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inde l-open, 76st, meerd.
  28. [949] Meerd, 79st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inde l-open, 79st, meerd.
  29. [941] Meerd, 82st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inde l-open, 82st, meerd.
  30. [950] Meerd, 85st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inde l-open, 85st, meerd.
  31. [805] Meerd, 88st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inde l-open, 88st, meerd.
  32. [828] Meerd, 91st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inde l-open, 91st, meerd.
  33. [813] Meerd, 94st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inde l-open, 94st, meerd.
  34. [824] Meerd, 97st, (2st, 2l, 2st) inde l-open, 97st, meerd.
  35. [952] Meerd, 100st, (2st, 2l, 2st)in de l-open, 100st, meerd.
  36. [948] Meerd, st tot laatste st, mind in laatste st en l-open, 2l, keer om.
  37. Mind, st totlaatste st, meerd, 2l, keer om.
  38. Meerd, st toteen-na-laatste st, mind in laatste 2 st, hecht af.

Herhaal rijen 38, 37 en 38 als een set van drie rijen 8 keer. Per set wissel je van kleur, je hecht de nieuwe kleur altijd aan de langste kant aan in deze volgorde:


Zorg dat je altijd de nieuwe kleur op de langste kant gaat beginnen, en op de kortste afhechten.

Herhaal rijen 38 en 37 met kleur [827], laat een lange draad over om de twee stukken aan elkaar te naaien. Zorg dat de lange kant van deel 2 uitlijnt met de punt van het andere deel. Trek de steken niet te strak aan, anders ontstaat er een opstaande rand.

Uitgebreide Colour Pack Instructies

Scheepjes heeftde 8 nieuwe River Washed kleuren aan de colour pack toegevoegd.  Hieronder staan de instructies voor eenversie waarin deze nieuwe kleuren opgenomen zijn.

  1. [801] 2l,2st, 2l, 2st in een magische ring, keer om.
  2. 2l (teltniet), Meerd, st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, st, meerd in laatste st. keer om.
  3. 2l, Meerd, 4st, (2st, 2l,2st) in l-open, 4st, meerd. Keer om.
  4. [821]Meerd, 7st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 7st, meerd.
  5. Meerd,10st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 10st, meerd.
  6. Meerd,13st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 13st, meerd.
  7. [820]Meerd, 16st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 16st, meerd.
  8. Meerd,19st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 19st, meerd.
  9. Meerd,22st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 22st, meerd.
  10. [836]Meerd, 25st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 25st, meerd.
  11. Meerd,28st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 28st, meerd.
  12. Meerd,31st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 31st, meerd.
  13. [835]Meerd, 34st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 34st, meerd.
  14. Meerd,37st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 37st, meerd.
  15. Meerd,40st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 40st, meerd.
  16. [943]Meerd, 43st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 43st, meerd.
  17. Meerd,46st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 46st, meerd.
  18. [945]Meerd, 49st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 49st, meerd.
  19. Meerd,52st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 52st, meerd.
  20. [942]Meerd, 55st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 55st, meerd.
  21. Meerd,58st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 58st, meerd.
  22. [807]Meerd, 61st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 61st, meerd.
  23. Meerd,64st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 64st, meerd.
  24. [946]Meerd, 67st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 67st, meerd.
  25. Meerd,70st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 70st, meerd.
  26. [823]Meerd, 73st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 73st, meerd.
  27. [956]Meerd, 76st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 76st, meerd.
  28. [944]Meerd, 79st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 79st, meerd.
  29. [961]Meerd, 82st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 82st, meerd.
  30. [816]Meerd, 85st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 85st, meerd.
  31. [947]Meerd, 88st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 88st, meerd.
  32. [960]Meerd, 91st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 91st, meerd.
  33. [834]Meerd, 94st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 94st, meerd.
  34. [817]Meerd, 97st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 97st, meerd.
  35. [833]Meerd, 100st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 100st, meerd.

Hecht af, begin nieuwe driehoek.
Herhaal rijen 1-35 als volgt:

  1. [803] 2l,2st, 2l, 2st in een magische ring, keer om.
  2. Meerd,st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, st, meerd in laatste st.
  3. Meerd,4st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 4st, meerd.
  4. [802]Meerd, 7st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 7st, meerd.
  5. Meerd,10st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 10st, meerd.
  6. Meerd,13st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 13st, meerd.
  7. [829]Meerd, 16st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 16st, meerd.
  8. Meerd,19st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 19st, meerd.
  9. Meerd,22st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 22st, meerd.
  10. [822]Meerd, 25st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 25st, meerd.
  11. Meerd,28st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 28st, meerd.
  12. Meerd,31st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 31st, meerd.
  13. [804]Meerd, 34st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 34st, meerd.
  14. Meerd,37st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 37st, meerd.
  15. Meerd,40st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 40st, meerd.
  16. [831]Meerd, 43st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 43st, meerd.
  17. Meerd,46st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 46st, meerd.
  18. [814]Meerd, 49st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 49st, meerd.
  19. Meerd,52st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 52st, meerd.
  20. [811]Meerd, 55st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 55st, meerd.
  21. Meerd,58st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 58st, meerd.
  22. [810]Meerd, 61st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 61st, meerd.
  23. Meerd,64st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 64st, meerd.
  24. [957]Meerd, 67st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 67st, meerd.
  25. Meerd,70st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 70st, meerd.
  26. [808]Meerd, 73st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 73st, meerd.
  27. [818]Meerd, 76st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 76st, meerd.
  28. [830]Meerd, 79st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 79st, meerd.
  29. [949]Meerd, 82st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 82st, meerd.
  30. [941]Meerd, 85st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 85st, meerd.
  31. [950]Meerd, 88st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 88st, meerd.
  32. [805]Meerd, 91st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 91st, meerd.
  33. [828]Meerd, 94st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 94st, meerd.
  34. [813]Meerd, 97st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 97st, meerd.
  35. [824]Meerd, 100st, (2st, 2l, 2st) in l-open, 100st, meerd.
  36. [952] Meerd,st tot laatste st, mind in laatste en l-open, 2l, keer om.
  37. Mind, st totlaatste st, meerd, 2l, keer om.
  38. Meerd, st toteen-na-laatste st, mind in laatste 2 steken, hecht af

Herhaal rijen 38, 37 en 38 als een set van drie rijen 16 keer. Per set wissel je van kleur, je hecht de nieuwe kleur altijd aan de langste kant aan in deze volgorde:


Herhaal rijen38 en 37 met kleur [809], laat een lange draad over om de twee stukken aanelkaar te naaien. Zorg dat de lange kant van deel 2 uitlijnt met de punt vanhet andere deel Trek de steken niet te strak aan, anders ontstaat er eenopstaande rand.


Hou de overgebleven kleuren van deel 1 en 2 apart. Knip stukken van 30-40 cm, en knoop ze met twee draden tegelijk aan de korte (diagonale) kanten. Verdeel je restjes gelijkmatig over de zijkanten. Block op maat, veel plezier!


Belangijk: gebruik de tekening alleen als een voorbeeld, want alleen de eerste 4 rijen staat er, en hoe je moet de diagonale rijen gaan werken.

Scheepjes Stone Washed and River Washed colour packs zijn te koop bij Scheepjes winkels, en ook bij Caro’s Atelier*, vlakbij mij in de buurt!

*affiliate link

rainBOOM! Wrap – Crochet Pattern with UK Terms


I’ve updated the the rainBOOM! Wrap pattern, just in time to kick off the #rainBOOMMAL in collaboration with Scheepjes. Is this the first you’ve heard of it? All the info can be found in this post.

Before we start, if you’re looking for the version which uses US terms go here, and the Dutch translation can be found here.

In this version you can find the pattern using UK terminology. I also have a tips and tricks post (this will be live on Wednesday 30th January) which talks about all the little things that you may find to be a bit challenging, including a couple of short videos which should help if you get stuck at all.

Ready to go?


One Stone Washed River Washed Colour Pack (all fifty colours)
5mm crochet hook
Tapestry needle
Blocking mats/pins


Original version: 200cm (point to point) x 50cm wide
Extended version: 220cm (point to point) x 50cm wide


16 stitches by 8.5 rows in 10cm by 10cmusing a 5mm hook


(UK Terms)
Tr treble crochet
Ch chain stitch
Inc increase – two treble crochet stitches in one stitch
Tr2tog decrease – Treble crochet made over 2 stitches from previous row. (…) repeat instructions between brackets as directed.
[801] denotes colour number from the yarn label.


This is a beginner friendly pattern, designed touse all 50 colours of the Scheepjes Stone Washed and River Washed colourpack. 

The wrap will be constructed in two pieces,working back and forth in rows. First making two triangles, then diagonal rows,and finally joining the two pieces and adding tassels from the leftovers.  There will be minimal yarn left over, so do payattention to your tension. Use either colour 801 or 803 and make a swatch.

At the start of each row you should ch2, thiswill not count as a stitch throughout. At the end of each row you should turnyour work. The instruction is only mentioned in rows 1 and 2, as a reminder.

While making the triangle, the rows willincrease by 3 stitches each side (6 per row), with an increase at the flatedge, and in the ch space. Weave in your ends as you go, this will vastlyreduce the amount of work at the end of the project.

Where the colour number is noted at the beginning of a row [801], you should tie off at the previous row and start using the next colour.

Find the Yarn

There are loads of fabulous retailers all over the world where you can buy your yarn packs. Scheepjes has a complete list on their website and I have a few recommendations for you too: 
Wool Warehouse* ships all over the world
Deramores* also ships globally
Black Sheep Wools* in the UK
Caro’s Atelier* is my local yarn shop here in Almere
Be Inspired in South Africa
Knotty House* in North America
Yarn InspiredBelleMae Yarns and Knit Spin Weave in Australia

Original Colour Pack Instructions

  1. [801] ch2 (does not count as a stitch here or throughout), 2tr, ch2,2tr in a magic ring, turn.
  2. Ch 2, inc in the 1st st, tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, tr,inc in the last, turn.
  3. Inc, 4tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 4tr, inc
  4. [821] Inc, 7tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 7tr, inc
  5. Inc, 10tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 10tr, inc
  6. Inc, 13tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 13tr, inc
  7. [820] Inc, 16tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 16tr, inc
  8. Inc, 19tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 19tr, inc
  9. Inc, 22tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 22tr, inc
  10. [836] Inc, 25tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 25tr, inc
  11. Inc, 28tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 28tr, inc
  12. Inc, 31tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 31tr, inc
  13. [835] Inc, 34tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 34tr
  14. Inc, 37tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 37tr, inc
  15. Inc, 40tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 40tr, inc
  16. [943] Inc, 43tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 43tr, inc
  17. Inc, 46tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 46tr, inc
  18. [945] Inc, 49tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 49tr, inc
  19. Inc, 52tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 52tr, inc
  20. [942] Inc, 55tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 55tr, inc
  21. Inc, 58tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 58tr, inc
  22. [807] Inc, 61tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 61tr, inc
  23. Inc, 64tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 64tr, inc
  24. [946] Inc, 67tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 67tr, inc
  25. Inc, 70tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 70tr, inc
  26. [823] Inc, 73tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 73tr, inc
  27. [944] Inc, 76tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 76tr, inc
  28. [816] Inc, 79tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 79tr, inc
  29. [947] Inc, 82tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 82tr, inc
  30. [834] Inc, 85tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 85tr, inc
  31. [817] Inc, 88tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 88tr, inc
  32. [833] Inc, 91tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 91tr, inc
  33. [809] Inc, 94tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 94tr, inc
  34. [832] Inc, 97tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 97tr, inc
  35. [812] Inc, 100tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 100tr, inc

Tie off, start new triangle
Repeat rows 1-35 in the following order:

  1. [803]ch2 (does not count as a stitch here or throughout), 2tr, ch2, 2tr in a magicring, turn.
  2. Ch2, inc in the 1st st, tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, tr, incin the last st, turn.
  3. Inc,4tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 4tr, inc
  4. [802]Inc, 7tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 7tr, inc
  5. Inc,10tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 10tr, inc
  6. Inc,13tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 13tr, inc
  7. [829]Inc, 16tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 16tr, inc
  8. Inc,19tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 19tr, inc
  9. Inc,22tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 22tr, inc
  10. [822]Inc, 25tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 25tr, inc
  11. Inc,28tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 28tr, inc
  12. Inc,31tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 31tr, inc
  13. [804]Inc, 34tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 34tr, inc
  14. Inc,37tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 37tr, inc
  15. Inc,40tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 40tr, inc
  16. [831]Inc, 43tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 43tr, inc
  17. Inc,46tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 46tr, inc
  18. [814]Inc, 49tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 49tr, inc
  19. Inc,52tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 52tr, inc
  20. [811]Inc, 55tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 55tr, inc
  21. Inc,58tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 58tr, inc
  22. [810]Inc, 61tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 61tr, inc
  23. Inc,64tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 64tr, inc
  24. [808]Inc, 67tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 67tr, inc
  25. Inc,70tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 70tr, inc
  26. [818]Inc, 73tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 73tr, inc
  27. [830]Inc, 76tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 76tr, inc
  28. [949]Inc, 79tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 79tr, inc
  29. [941]Inc, 82tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 82tr, inc
  30. [950]Inc, 85tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 85tr, inc
  31. [805]Inc, 88tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 88tr, inc
  32. [828]Inc, 91tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 91tr, inc
  33. [813]Inc, 94tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 94tr, inc
  34. [824]Inc, 97tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 97tr, inc
  35. [952]Inc, 100tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 100tr, inc
  36. [948]Inc, tr up to the 2nd last stitch before the corner, tr2tog in lastst and ch space, turn
  37. Ch2, Tr2tog, tr to last stitch, inc in the last st, turn
  38. Inc,tr up to the 2nd last stitch, tr2tog in last 2 stitches, tie off

Repeat rows Repeat rows 38, 37 and 38 (as a set of three rows) 8 times, changing colour every 3 rows in the following order:


Make sure you always start your new colour on the long side, not where you tied off on the short side. This will ensure that you always have a straight edge on both sides.

Repeat rows 38 and then 37 with colour [827], then saving a long tail, whip stitch the two pieces together, with the long edge of piece two matching up with the point of piece one. Don’t pull the stitches too tight, otherwise a ridge will appear.

Extended Colour Pack Instructions

Since the original release of this Pattern,Scheepjes has added eight new river washed colours to their colour packs.  To take full advantage of that, here are theinstructions to make the extended RainBOOM!

  1. [801] ch2 (does not count as a stitch here or throughout), 2tr, ch2, 2tr in a magic ring, turn.
  2. Ch 2, inc in the 1st st, tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, tr, inc in the last st, turn.
  3. Inc, 4tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 4tr, inc
  4. [821] Inc, 7tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 7tr, inc
  5. Inc, 10tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 10tr, inc
  6. Inc, 13tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 13tr, inc
  7. [820] Inc, 16tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 16tr, inc
  8. Inc, 19tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 19tr, inc
  9. Inc, 22tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 22tr, inc
  10. [836] Inc, 25tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 25tr, inc
  11. Inc, 28tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 28tr, inc
  12. Inc, 31tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 31tr, inc
  13. [835] Inc, 34tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 34tr
  14. Inc, 37tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 37tr, inc
  15. Inc, 40tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 40tr, inc
  16. [943] Inc, 43tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 43tr, inc
  17. Inc, 46tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 46tr, inc
  18. [945] Inc, 49tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 49tr, inc
  19. Inc, 52tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 52tr, inc
  20. [942] Inc, 55tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 55tr, inc
  21. Inc, 58tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 58tr, inc
  22. [807] Inc, 61tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 61tr, inc
  23. Inc, 64tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 64tr, inc
  24. [946] Inc, 67tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 67tr, inc
  25. Inc, 70tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 70tr, inc
  26. [823] Inc, 73tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 73tr, inc
  27. [956] Inc, 76tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 76tr, inc
  28. [944] Inc, 79tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 79tr, inc
  29. [961] Inc, 82tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 82tr, inc
  30. [816] Inc, 85tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 85tr, inc
  31. [947] Inc, 88tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 88tr, inc
  32. [960] Inc, 91tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 91tr, inc
  33. [834] Inc, 94tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 94tr, inc
  34. [817] Inc, 97tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 97tr, inc
  35. [833] Inc, 100tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 100tr, inc

Tie off, start new triangle
Repeat rows 1-35 in the following order:

  1. [803]ch2 (does not count as a stitch here or throughout), 2tr, ch2, 2tr in a magicring, turn.
  2. Ch2,inc in the 1st, tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, tr, inc in the last st,turn.
  3. Inc,4tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 4tr, inc
  4. [802]Inc, 7tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 7tr, inc
  5. Inc,10tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 10tr, inc
  6. Inc,13tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 13tr, inc
  7. [829]Inc, 16tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 16tr, inc
  8. Inc,19tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 19tr, inc
  9. Inc,22tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 22tr, inc
  10. [822]Inc, 25tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 25tr, inc
  11. Inc,28tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 28tr, inc
  12. Inc,31tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 31tr, inc
  13. [804]Inc, 34tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 34tr
  14. Inc,37tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 37tr, inc
  15. Inc,40tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 40tr, inc
  16. [831]Inc, 43tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 43tr, inc
  17. Inc,46tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 46tr, inc
  18. [814]Inc, 49tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 49tr, inc
  19. Inc,52tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 52tr, inc
  20. [811]Inc, 55tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 55tr, inc
  21. Inc,58tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 58tr, inc
  22. [810]Inc, 61tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 61tr, inc
  23. Inc,64tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 64tr, inc
  24. [957]Inc, 67tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 67tr, inc
  25. Inc,70tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 70tr, inc
  26. [808]Inc, 73tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 73tr, inc
  27. [818]Inc, 76tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 76tr, inc
  28. [830]Inc, 79tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 79tr, inc
  29. [949]Inc, 82tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 82tr, inc
  30. [941]Inc, 85tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 85tr, inc
  31. [950]Inc, 88tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 88tr, inc
  32. [805]Inc, 91tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 91tr, inc
  33. [828]Inc, 94tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 94tr, inc
  34. [813]Inc, 97tr, (2tr, ch2, 2tr) in the ch space, 97tr, inc
  35. [824]Inc, 100tr, (2tr, ch2,2tr) in the ch space, 100tr, inc
  36. [952]Inc, tr up to the 2nd last stitch before the corner, tr2tog in lastst and ch space, turn.
  37. Ch2 Tr2tog, tr up to the last stitch, inc, turn.
  38. Ch2, Inc, tr up to the 2nd last stitch, tr2tog in last 2 stitches, tieoff.

Repeat rows Repeat rows 38, 37 and 38 (as a setof three rows) 16 times, changing colour every 3 rows in the following order:


Make sure you always start your new colour on the long side, not where you tied off on the short side. This will ensure that you always have a straight edge on both sides.

Repeat rows 38 and then 37 with colour [809], then saving a long tail, whip stitch the two pieces together, with the long edge of piece two matching up with the point of piece one. Do not pull the stitches too tight, otherwise a ridge will appear.


Separating the leftover colours from piece one and piece two, cut 30-40cm lengths, and double stranded, knot tassels in each stitch along both short (diagonal) sides. Adjust spacing according to the amount of remaining yarn. Block to size, enjoy!


Do note: the chart is just an example of how you should begin, and how the diagonal rows are worked. Please do not follow this exactly from the start, but instead use it as a guide.

Still looking for your yarn pack? There are loads of fabulous retailers all over the world where you can buy your yarn packs. Scheepjes has a complete list on their website and I have a few recommendations for you too: 
Wool Warehouse* ships all over the world
Deramores* also ships globally
Caro’s Atelier* is my local yarn shop here in Almere
Be Inspired in South Africa
Knotty House* in North America
Yarn Inspired, BelleMae Yarns and Knit Spin Weave in Australia

Or you could check out my designer store on* – where you can get your hands on the kit AND a pdf of the pattern at the same time. They also ship worldwide, so that’s a win-win!

Now, I do hope you’re joining the #rainBOOMMAL that’s running through all of February 2019. In collaboration with the amazing people at Scheepjes, we’ll be crocheting together, from all corners of the world, bringing some more colour into our lives.

*affiliate link


I’m absolutely thrilled to be able to kick 2019 off with an exciting collaboration with Scheepjes, a make-along (MAL) with my favourite pattern of last year, the rainBOOM! Wrap!

Starting on the 1st of February and running through the entire month, we’ll make our rainBOOMs together, sharing the joy that it brings as the colours emerge. Feb also marks my 40th birthday, so this is extra special to me, celebrating with all of you in the most vibrant way possible!

I first made the rainBOOM! early in 2018, to celebrate the launch of the hugely popular Scheepjes Stone Washed and River Washed colour packs. I wanted to make something which used all 50 colours – something that I could enjoy every day and would be a celebration of all the colours.

I’m even more excited now, because Scheepjes has since added 8 new colours to the River Washed collection, and they’re launching a brand new colour pack to include them!

As a result, I’ve rewritten the pattern to include the new colours and I’m going to share it with you as part of this colourful MAL.

I’ve also recreated the pattern to include both UK and US terms, and with help from Kirsten, I’ve translated the pattern into Dutch as well.

Over the coming days, I’m going share some tips and tricks, along with the updated and translated patterns. Make sure you subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss the patterns as they’re (re)published.

Can’t wait for the posts to go live? The Dutch, US and UK patterns are all available as printer friendly pdfs on Ravelry. Get them here:

Facebook Groups

As this is a fun collaboration with Scheepjes, we’re going to be sharing our progress and all the relevant links in their Facebook CAL groups. If you’re not a member, you can join the international group (English language) here, or if Dutch is more your flavour, you can join that one here.

All the announcements and support will be via those two groups, and I will be around each day along with the fabulous unsung heroes which is the admin team to answer any questions and offer advice when needed. You can contact me directly via email, but the fastest response will be in one of those two groups.


Of course I want to see you share your beautiful rainBOOM wraps as they grow, and I also want to be able to share your creations with the world each day!

On Instagram, please follow me @miss__neriss and @Scheepjes and use hashtags #rainBOOMMAL, #missneriss, #obsessedwithcrochet and #scheepjes

On Facebook, use the same hashtags, and don’t forget to mention me @madebymissneriss and @scheepjeswol

Most importantly: don’t forget to share your project on Ravelry! Also use tags #rainBOOMMAL and #rainBOOM

Where to Buy Yarn

There are loads of fabulous retailers all over the world where you can buy your yarn packs. Scheepjes has a complete list on their website and I have a few recommendations for you too:
Wool Warehouse* ships all over the world
Deramores* also ships globally
Caro’s Atelier* is my local yarn shop here in Almere
Be Inspired in South Africa
Knotty House* in North America
Yarn Inspired, BelleMae Yarns and Knit Spin Weave in Australia

Or you could check out my designer store on* – where you can get your hands on the kit AND a pdf of the pattern at the same time. They also ship worldwide, so that’s a win-win!

Now this is a lot of information for one post! Check back in the coming days, when I’ll be sharing tips and tricks and gauge info.

Who’s with me?

*affiliate links