Category Archives: YARN Bookazine

YARN 10 – The Colour Issue

You guys, have you seen it yet?!

Tell me that’s not just about the most beautiful issue of YARN you’ve ever seen?!

Get Your Copy

Some retailers have it available for sale already, isn’t that awesome?

Wool Warehouse* has it, and they ship globally as you know.
Habbedash also has it, they ship globally too (and sell all sorts of lovely luxury goodies for the yarn freak who has everything).
Scheepjes also have all their stockists listed on their website, and if your favourite doesn’t have it yet, ask them to order it for you.

This is the 10th anniversary special edition, and it doesn’t disappoint! Look how YARN has evolved over the last five years. Which was your favourite? I say every time: THIS is my favourite issue, they just get better and better!

I have a design in the bookazine, and it’s absolutely one of the most beautiful patterns I think I’ve ever created. I’m so proud of the result, and overwhelmed by the incredible styling.

It’s called Frozen Rose Shawl and is soft and delicate, with a beautiful open lace stitch pattern. My versions are made with whirl Forbidden Fuchsia* and also in Pink to Wink*, but I can’t wait to see what colour you choose for yours.

Another design that I can’t get enough of is Carmen’s adorable Chilly Billy polar bear. Can’t just just imagine snuggling that little guy and never wanting to let him go? I can see my daughter and I having words over who gets to keep him.

Chilly Billy is made with Scheepjes Furry Tales* and his outfit is made in Catona*.

Do make sure you pick up your copy quickly, I think this one is going to sell out. People are becoming collectors, with quite the hunt for some of the hard to find back issues going on…

If you’re a Scheepjes stockists and you have copies of The Colour Issue, please add direct links to the comments below so people can find you.

Please also do share your favourite projects, and don’t forget to tag me in your socials when you make my Frozen Rose shawl!

*Affiliate link

YARN – NOW Age Launch

Scheepjes has just launched its latest issue of their hugely popular – and beautiful – biannual bookazine YARN.  This issue is called NOW Age and takes inspiration from Eckhart Tolle’s books The Power of Now and A New Earth.

Yarn 9 NOW Age cover

Get your copy

Scheepjes has just introduced an exciting subscription plan so you can get your copy in the post first, twice a year.

For English issues:
For Dutch issues:

Of course you can still buy individual copies via you favourite retailers, here’s the full list. RRP is €8.95/£7.95/$9.95.

NL/Europe: Caro’s Atelier*
UK/Global: Wool Warehouse*

Caro’s Atelier has also put together yarn packs for the designs in the issue, including my Chakra Energy Flags*, which will take all the thinking out of ordering! See them all here*.

The issue explores four themes, exploring creativity in different ways.

In Joyful, bright colours and fun lead the way. I love the Bohemian Bralette, by Cara Medus.

YARN 9 - image SQUARE web 30.jpg

Mindful explores being present and in the here and now. Tammy has designed read between the lines yoga socks which I think you’ll love to knit.

YARN 9 - image SQUARE web 40.jpg

My own contribution is in Spiritual. You can create your own chakra flags and as you work on each, take the time to bring yourself back to the centre and re-balance.

YARN 9 - image SQUARE web 13.jpg


We round it out with Respectful, and take a moment to reflect on our actions and impact on this changing environment with the Earth Day sweater by Lili van Wattum.

YARN 9 - image SQUARE web 51.jpg

I say it every issue, but this is my favourite.  Simy’s challenge is a celebration of life, and my daughter and I will make our festival crowns together. Check out #simyschallenge on socials to see the beautiful creations and add your own.

Which project will you try first?  Tag me @miss__neriss on instagram and add your projects to Ravelry.

I feel like I want to say: namaste, but that sounds a bit silly coming from me, the one who’s usually running around with her hair on fire!  But, we all have to start somewhere right?  So… Namaste 😉

*Affiliate link

Crochet Pattern Launch – Memory Throw

It’s been a big week for me! Yesterday I launched the Berry Smash Cowl, and Scheepjes also released their latest YARN, the After Party issue, which is the pattern for my Memory Throw.

Memory Throw

Where to buy?

After Party patterns retail for a euro/pound, and Scheepjes has a list of all their fantastic stockists here. They also have loads of info about the pattern on their website.

Wool Warehouse stocks the English version*
My local yarn store Caro’s Atelier stocks the Dutch version*
Caro’s also stocks yarn packs to make the blanket*! If you buy from Caro’s and want the pattern in a different language, email me @ and I’ll gift it to you via Ravelry.

You can get your hands on the digital version in both Dutch and English, plus French, German, Spanish and Swedish on Ravelry here.

This pattern is one of the most special that I’ve made in my crocheting career.  You see, I made this quite a while ago actually.  While I was home in Australia last helping my mum sort all her stuff as she was dying, I found a vintage crochet blanket in a box in the shed.  I remember it being draped over our couch as a kid, but hadn’t seen it for years.

Original throw from 1988

The OG inspiration, circa 1988. That’s my mum there, second from the right.

The brightly coloured motifs and immediately inspired me to use my Scheepjes Stone Washed XL colour pack!

I started working on the blanket in the short two weeks between returning to the Netherlands and when my mum died.  I can still see myself sitting on the couch, working away, waiting to speak to her one more time, praying it wouldn’t be the last, then suddenly she was gone.

The next weeks were spent going through the motions, putting on a face for the outside world so as to not make others feel uncomfortable while I was drowning in my grief, and in that time those motifs were my safe place. I could pick up a ball and disappear for a few minutes, and just be in the moment. I was cast adrift, and working on this throw anchored me again.

Memory throw motifs

When it was finished, packing it up and shipping it off to its new home at Scheepjes HQ was cathartic.  So much of my heart and soul was poured into that blanket and it helped me to move through the stages of grief.

Memory throw super close up

Now, the beautiful styling and photographers from the wonderful team at Scheepjes really hits me in the feels.  I’m transported to that time, but instead of feeling the same sorrow, I feel what can almost be described as joy.  To be cliched, out of darkness comes light.

Memory Throw close up

The throw embodies my mum.  She was colour personified. I like to think she would have happily draped this over the back of her couch and snuggled under it on chilly nights.

Memory Throw full blanket

Thank you to the creative team at Scheepjes for publishing this pattern and for their ongoing support in my creative journey. I feel nurtured and love that I’m given the space to grow as a designer, especially as I spent the first 30 years of my life believing I wasn’t a creative person.  Now I know better!

*This post contains affiliate links, which support my designs, at no extra cost to you, my valued audience.



YARN – Tea Room

It’s the latest issue of Scheepjes YARN!


This issue is called Tea Room and is inspired by the origins, colours and aromas of different teas, with four themes including Matcha, Saffron and Ginger, English, and Oolong.

In Matcha you’ll find men’s garments and accessories, including the Nishio sweater by massively talented Susan (Peppergoose) Walsh.


My own design, the Spice Market snood is to be found in the Saffron and Ginger theme, which is filled with rich golds and ochres.  My snood is deliberately oversized, so you can wear it around your shoulders or snuggle into the hood when it’s chilly. Made with Namaste, you’ll be warm even on the coldest of days.

snood mustard.jpeg

snood rust.jpeg

In English Tea the designs are all beautiful with their blues and lavender accents. You’ll also find my favourite, and a project I have big plans to make; the Petals and Leaves shawl, by Johanna (Mijo Crochet) Lindahl.


The original uses a single cake of Whirligig in grey to lavender, but I’ll be using teal to ombre and I can’t wait to make it!  Keep an eye on my Instagram for progress pics over the coming weeks.

In Ooolong you’ll find soft colours and stylish garments. I love the Jasmine poncho by Margaret (


Now this is just a peek into what’s in the issue.  You’ll have to get your own copy to see the rest. Inside you’ll find designs from some of your favourite designers, including Rachele (Cypress Textiles) Carmona, Jellina (Jellina Creations) Verhoef, Maria (50 Shades of 4 Ply) McPherson, and Martin up North.

You can pick it up at your usual retailers for 8.95 euro, 7.95 GBP or 9.95 USD. Take a look at Wool Warehouse*, Deramores*, Caro’s Atelier*, Black Sheep Wools* and Knotty House*.  Do also check your local retailer, they’re all listed on the Scheepjes website.

Don’t forget to add your projects to Ravelry and Instagram so we can all enjoy them using #yarnbookazine.

*affiliate link

YARN Blog Hop: Chunky Knits for Christmas?

Last week I shared my excitement for the launch of Scheepjes YARN – Folk. Do you already have your hands on a copy?


Together with all the other designers who contributed to this issue, I’m joining in on a blog hop to tell you about how my Frida shawl came to life.  Kirsten at Haak Maar Raak posted about her adorable Christmas Cuddles on Monday; if you haven’t seen that, you must ooh and ahh over the adorable Santa and his elf.


You’ll have seen my Frida shawl by now. It’s a chunky grey knit with colourful floral embroidery and a buckle to close.


So how did I come up with it? Well, I love the look of embroidery on knit and crochet, and I love a chunky knit.  And last winter I saw these cool fleecy wraps which had a buckle to keep them in place and thought: what a great idea, that would work so well in knit/crochet!  You can relate I’m sure: I see crochet and knit designs in just about every piece of fabric I come across.

So I put those three ideas together and started knitting.  I knit the shawl well in advance, but then I came up against all sorts of head scratching moments when it came to the embroidery.  It just wasn’t working out for me. The yarn I had chosen for the embroidery was too fine (I had originally chosen Scheepjes Sweet Treat) and was getting lost in the bulky knit.

So I thought perhaps I should ditch the embroidery altogether and try felt appliques:


Again, it just wasn’t working.  The felt was all wrong, and I was starting to feel the stress of the idea not working out how I had intended.  In a fit of frustration I balled the shawl and threw it in a corner for a couple of weeks, while I did something else to reignite my creativity.

When I was ready to come back and try again, I decided to use a heavier weight yarn for the embroidery, and settled on Scheepjes Cahlista.  I also enlisted the help of a soluble stabiliser and they were a golden combination!  All of a sudden it all came together and the creative juices were in full flow.


(The above picture is courtesy of my friend Rebekka, who tested for me.)



After all the frustration and stress, I felt the most incredible feeling of relief and satisfaction to box this up and send it off. And now, seeing it out in the wild I just can’t stop smiling about it!


Do make sure if you plan on making the shawl that you share your project on Ravelry.  The pattern listing is here: Frida Shawl.


Now, Scheepjes is running a giveaway on their Facebook page!  You can be in with the chance to win a copy of this issue of YARN – Folk plus all the yarn you need to make your favourite design!

What you need to do is head to the Facebook post from Scheepjes, comment on that post with your favourite design (Frida, obviously!), then be sure to read all of the posts in this blog hop series to find the ‘secret symbol’ hidden in each blog post which will come together to create a secret message.  Once you you have the message, return to your original comment on the FB post and add a reply to your own comment with the message. The giveaway will run until 11 November, and a winner will be drawn on the 12th.  Good luck!

Tomorrow Jellina is sharing her experience (and her clue), so be sure to visit her blog to read all about it!

Lastly, don’t forget to order your very own copy of YARN (and all the back issues):

Online from:

Wool Warehouse*


Caro’s Atelier*


And your favourite Scheepjes retailers.

*affiliate links

YARN 6 – Folk is Here, and its Glorious


The theme of this issue is Folk, and has a strong, wintery, Christmassy vibe.  It’s all lagom and hygge and maybe for a bit of fun – kalsariokanni – winky face.

In it you’ll find a stuffed Santa, fair isle socks, multiple lacework garments, and a huge embroidered chunky knit shawl I designed.


In a few days I’m going to come back and talk about my design process, because that deserves its own post, but for now let me share some of the lovely patterns you can make from the issue.


These houses are designed by Maria McPherson, and I love them so much that I’ve started working on my own!  The yarn is Cotton 8; you’ll need about 3 balls, and some scrap felt and cute buttons, which we all have lying around the house!


This blanket is by Esther Dijkstra, and the photo really doesn’t do its size and beauty justice.  It’s a firm favourite from this issue.


Lastly, I’ll share Tammy’s Stone Washed/River Washed tunic.  The tunic which evolved from having a ‘little bit of fair isle’ to a full blown mosaic wonder.

You’ll have to get your own copy of YARN – Folk so you can see for yourself. And also add the designs to your Ravelry queue so we can see what you’re making.

It, along with all the back issues are available from Scheepjes stockists.

You can also order online from:

Wool Warehouse*


Caro’s Atelier*

These retailers may take a few days to get their stock online, so if you’re in a rush, try the new kid on the block: Habbedash* – they store all sorts of lovely luxurious yarny goodies.

*affiliate link

Whispering Wind Chimes Crochet Pattern in YARN – Woman

Hey there.  It’s been a while.  Much longer that I had hoped. A lot has happened, but that’s a story for another day.


While I was gone, Scheepjes released a new edition of their bi-annual book-a-zine YARN.  This time the theme celebrates Woman.


This series touches on themes such as The Good Wife, Rebel Daughter, Soul Sister, and Earth Mother. You’ll also find a feature of all the bloggers who collaborate with Scheepjes, and will learn about our inspiration and role models.

I have one design in this edition, the Whispering Wind Chimes.  It is a series of five lanterns, using Scheepjes Sunkissed.  You’ll also need 2 20cm dream catcher rings per lantern and 10 round bells.

You can hang the lanterns in the garden as decoration, or thread them onto fairy lights, or hang a battery operated candle or LED lamp inside.

It’s a very easy pattern, great for someone who is just starting out and wants to learn how to make basic stitches look interesting as it looks more difficult than it is.  The pattern is also easily adapted to become larger or smaller (feel free to reach out to me if you’d like help with this).

Along with my Whispering Wind Chimes, you can see Susan Carlson’s design, using my MissNeriss Our Tribe colourway in her Little Sister shawl.  The colours are just perfect, I never tire of seeing projects in my colourway.


You can get your hands on the latest copy of YARN, Woman at almost all of the fab Scheepjes retailers.

The book is also available at Wool Warehouse* and Deramores* for global shipping, and Caro’s Atelier* in NL

Both Deramores* and Caro’s Atelier* have put together packs with everything you’ll need. Be quick though, they’re selling out!

Which is your favourite project in Yarn – Woman?  Hit me with them, and tell me which you’ve made already!

*affiliate link

Woodland Friends Bunny – Crochet Pattern

I have another new design that I want to share with you this week!

It’s this adorable bunny I’ve made, as part of a Woodland Friends series for Scheepjes YARN the After Party.

Pattern available for download on Ravelry: and yarn available at Wool Warehouse

What you’ll need to make this bunny:

The pattern is suitable for beginners and includes written pattern instructions.  It’s a great project for a first amigurumi project, and is a wonderful baby gift.

And something really cool; the pattern is available on Ravelry in Dutch, English (US and UK), Swedish, Spanish and German. The pattern is also available as a booklet through Scheepjes retailers (UK and Dutch version).  Isn’t that awesome?!

Pattern available for download on Ravelry: and yarn available at Wool Warehouse

I have a few different projects coming up over the next few months.  I’ve been busy behind the scenes working on projects I haven’t been able to share, so it’s great to finally be able to say: Look at what I made!

So to recap:

Download the pattern from Ravelry here: buy now

Or for physical copies, head to any Scheepjes stockist.

Get the yarn here:


*Just a note: this post contains a couple of affiliate links which if you choose to use when feeding your yarn habit will earn me a small commission.  This helps me keep up the freebies and doesn’t cost you a thing. Thank you!

Pineapple Garland – Winner!

This time last week I shared with you that three of my designs are in the latest issue of YARN from Scheepjes, and that I was also giving away a copy and the yarn to make my pineapple garland design.

I’ve randomly chosen a winner, Kay Ann on Pinterest:

Congratulations Kay Ann, I’ve sent you a PM on Pinterest, please get in contact so I can send  you your goodies!

Do you have your copy of YARN, yet? You can get it from Wool Warehouse*, or any great Scheepjes stockist.

Thank you so much to everyone who pinned their favourite of my designs from YARN, it is so great to see the pins all over Pinterest.

*affiliate link

YARN 3 – Tropical Issue (and a Giveaway!)

You won’t believe this, but in the latest issue of YARN, I have not one, not two, but THREE designs!

Can you guess which three are mine?

One is an idea that I had been playing with for about a year, and have been experimenting with construction, so was excited to be able share it with the world.

Sunset Shawl, crochet pattern by Nerissa Muijs - YARN Tropical Issue

The inspiration for this one comes from my years tour guiding at Uluru, and the glorious colours that shoot across the sky during those golden minutes before the sun dips under the horizon.

The Pina Colada shawl is a semi-circle made with short rows, so it’s not it’s for the faint hearted, but once you get going the construction is intuitive and satisfying.  I used Secret Garden in Rose Arch and Summer House, and it makes the shawl deliciously snuggly.

Have you guessed the next design yet?

Pineapple Garland - crochet pattern by Nerissa Muijs - YARN Tropical Issue

A pineapple garland!

This one is super easy, each pineapple can be smashed out in 10-15 minutes and the leaves are made stiff and bendy by crocheting around pipe cleaners!  The pattern uses Softfun and you’ll only need a single ball of each colour.

And now for the last:

Espadrilles, crochet pattern by Nerissa Muijs - YARN Tropical Issue

Mojito Espadrilles!

These are such fun, I actually made these while I was on a beach holiday and while lounging under an umbrella drinking a cocktail, I just wanted to hurry up and finish them so I could wear them!

These are made with regular espadrille soles and using Sugar Rush triple stranded with my handy navajo plying method.  I shared a Youtube tutorial a few months ago because I just love this trick.  They’re easily customisable for any size, and look fantastic!

So, Wool Warehouse will have copies in English, or if you’d rather Dutch, there are a host of retailers who have it for you.

And exciting news: Love Knitting in the US will also be stocking YARN, along with loads of the best Scheepjes yarns!

YARN - Tropical issue. Available at Wool Warehouse

Now, to the giveaway!  Thanks very much to Scheepjes, I’m giving away an English copy of YARN, Tropical Issue away, plus the yarn to make my pineapple garland!  To be in with a chance to win, what you need to do is pin your favourite of my three projects on Pinterest, and mention me @missneriss with the following (or a variation of) text: “This is my favourite @missneriss design in Issue 3 of YARN, Tropical Issue from @scheepjes.”

Pin all three to triple your chances!

The giveaway is open to everyone, globally, so get to pinning!  I’ll announce a winner here on the blog next week, on the 12th of May.

The photos I’ve shared in this post are from Issue 3 of Scheepjes Yarn Bookazine – Tropical, republished with permission.

This post contains affiliate links which help me to continue to provide free patterns.  Thanks so much for your support!